Read This Blog
April 12, 2013 - by
I commend to your attention PoliticsNC, a new blog by Thomas Mills, a Democratic consultant who gives me great hope for the future.
Here’s a sample from a recent post he did that stirred up some Democrats:
“Two myths seem to be dominating Democrats’ analysis of their problems. The first is that Art Pope “bought” the elections for Republicans. The second is that focusing on education is the winning message for Democrats. Like many myths, they each have a grain of truth but both are greatly exaggerated.”
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Read This Blog
April 12, 2013/

I commend to your attention PoliticsNC, a new blog by Thomas Mills, a Democratic consultant who gives me great hope for the future.
Here’s a sample from a recent post he did that stirred up some Democrats:
“Two myths seem to be dominating Democrats’ analysis of their problems. The first is that Art Pope “bought” the elections for Republicans. The second is that focusing on education is the winning message for Democrats. Like many myths, they each have a grain of truth but both are greatly exaggerated.”
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats