Raleigh’s Art Fiasco
Nobody comes off well in the dispute over Raleigh’s downtown art.
- Would-be benefactor Jim Goodmon looks high-handed and arrogant.
- Mayor Charles Meeker gets blasted by Goodmon: “He followed the herd.”
- City Manager Russell Allen started the brouhaha, but couldn’t – or wouldn’t – stop it.
- Arts lovers sound elitist and condescending.
- The people of Raleigh – we are led to believe – are a bunch of uncultured boobs who don’t deserve visionary public art.
Somebody – or several somebodies – needs a reality check here.
First, don’t blame the public.
Fact is, the taxpayers of Raleigh – and all North Carolina, for that matter – put up a lot of money for an Art Museum and other arts programs.
But here is the political fact of life: People here are mad about taxes and spending and about to vote on a nearly $1 billion school bond issue. It’s not the right time to send them an ill-defined bill for an ill-defined art project they can’t visualize.
Leaders – which Meeker and Goodmon are supposed to be – ought to be able to solve this. It is revealing that neither has been able to.

Raleigh’s Art Fiasco

Nobody comes off well in the dispute over Raleigh’s downtown art.
- Would-be benefactor Jim Goodmon looks high-handed and arrogant.
- Mayor Charles Meeker gets blasted by Goodmon: “He followed the herd.”
- City Manager Russell Allen started the brouhaha, but couldn’t – or wouldn’t – stop it.
- Arts lovers sound elitist and condescending.
- The people of Raleigh – we are led to believe – are a bunch of uncultured boobs who don’t deserve visionary public art.
Somebody – or several somebodies – needs a reality check here.
First, don’t blame the public.
Fact is, the taxpayers of Raleigh – and all North Carolina, for that matter – put up a lot of money for an Art Museum and other arts programs.
But here is the political fact of life: People here are mad about taxes and spending and about to vote on a nearly $1 billion school bond issue. It’s not the right time to send them an ill-defined bill for an ill-defined art project they can’t visualize.
Leaders – which Meeker and Goodmon are supposed to be – ought to be able to solve this. It is revealing that neither has been able to.