Rahmbo Secrecy
I’m ashamed of my fellow Democrats. They shut the press out of last weekend’s Jefferson-Jackson Day speech by Congressman Rahm Emanuel of
What could Rahmbo have said that was so hush-hush? A secret plan to end the war in
State party chair Jerry Meek says it was all a misunderstanding. According to Meek, Rahmbo saw the TV cameras and said he was told “no press.” So party leaders hopped to and shooed away cameras and reporters.
Well, that explanation makes no sense at all. Who told him no press? And does Rahmbo think that a big shot like himself, crowned by the media as the man who heroically won back the House in 2006, could come to little old North Carolina and not be surrounded by reporters eager to broadcast his every word?
Why didn’t somebody tell him: “No press? Hell, man, we need all the press we can get!”
Give me a break.
This is the kind of thing that Republicans used to do routinely in
Nothing is more suspicious to Americans than secrecy in government. And for good reason. That’s how Bush-Cheney got us in this mess.
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Rahmbo Secrecy

I’m ashamed of my fellow Democrats. They shut the press out of last weekend’s Jefferson-Jackson Day speech by Congressman Rahm Emanuel of
What could Rahmbo have said that was so hush-hush? A secret plan to end the war in
State party chair Jerry Meek says it was all a misunderstanding. According to Meek, Rahmbo saw the TV cameras and said he was told “no press.” So party leaders hopped to and shooed away cameras and reporters.
Well, that explanation makes no sense at all. Who told him no press? And does Rahmbo think that a big shot like himself, crowned by the media as the man who heroically won back the House in 2006, could come to little old North Carolina and not be surrounded by reporters eager to broadcast his every word?
Why didn’t somebody tell him: “No press? Hell, man, we need all the press we can get!”
Give me a break.
This is the kind of thing that Republicans used to do routinely in
Nothing is more suspicious to Americans than secrecy in government. And for good reason. That’s how Bush-Cheney got us in this mess.
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.