Pu·sil·lan·i·mous, “pyoo-suh-la-nuh-muhs” (adjective): Showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
The United States today is confronting two brutal dictators: Putin in Russia and Xi in China.
We face a nuclear threat from North Korea. The Middle East is volatile.
This is no time for a President who is timid and lacks courage or determination.
Yet none of the Republican candidates for President have the courage to stand up to Donald Trump.
They duck, sidestep, rationalize, excuse, obfuscate, quiver and quake.
Profiles in pusillanimity.


Pu·sil·lan·i·mous, “pyoo-suh-la-nuh-muhs” (adjective): Showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
The United States today is confronting two brutal dictators: Putin in Russia and Xi in China.
We face a nuclear threat from North Korea. The Middle East is volatile.
This is no time for a President who is timid and lacks courage or determination.
Yet none of the Republican candidates for President have the courage to stand up to Donald Trump.
They duck, sidestep, rationalize, excuse, obfuscate, quiver and quake.
Profiles in pusillanimity.