Property Tax Revolt Coming in NC
From the first taxpayers’ revolution in California in 1978, North Carolina has escaped a full-scale rebellion over local property taxes.
I predict that is going to change soon. Specifically, this fall. And specifically right here in Wake County over the school bond issue.
The issue is popping up all over the country again. South Carolina is considering a referendum this fall over rising property assessments.
Given some of the numbers we’ve seen connected with the Wake County school bonds, we’re ripe for the revolution here.
The new school superintendent and all the business and political leaders who support this bond issue had better put on their armor for this fight.

Property Tax Revolt Coming in NC

From the first taxpayers’ revolution in California in 1978, North Carolina has escaped a full-scale rebellion over local property taxes.
I predict that is going to change soon. Specifically, this fall. And specifically right here in Wake County over the school bond issue.
The issue is popping up all over the country again. South Carolina is considering a referendum this fall over rising property assessments.
Given some of the numbers we’ve seen connected with the Wake County school bonds, we’re ripe for the revolution here.
The new school superintendent and all the business and political leaders who support this bond issue had better put on their armor for this fight.