Promoting Democracy
Last week, the News and Observer reported (11-07-05), “Preaching democracy in the largest country in South America, President Bush urged leaders in the region to pursue his ‘vision of hope…’ The newspaper also reported, “The President did not name names. But his remarks appeared unmistakably aimed at Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez…”
Now, I’m no expert in foreign policy and when all this talk about spreading democracy started it sounded pretty good to me. But now I’m beginning to suspect it may be like what Professor Walter Williams once said about Lyndon Johnson’s ‘The Great Society’ welfare programs. ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions.’ And I’m beginning to ask myself, if we’re going to set our sights on spreading democracy all over the world where are we going to stop?
China could use a little democracy. Are we going to give it to them? Spreading democracy sounds good, and it probably polls pretty good too. But as a practical matter it seems to be a stickey wicket in places like…Iraq.
I guess any politician who wants to get elected to anything higher then dog catcher who says he’s not for spreading democracy hasn’t got a chance. But I’m also beginning to think if we try one or two more experiments in spreading democracy…that may change.

Promoting Democracy

Last week, the News and Observer reported (11-07-05), “Preaching democracy in the largest country in South America, President Bush urged leaders in the region to pursue his ‘vision of hope…’ The newspaper also reported, “The President did not name names. But his remarks appeared unmistakably aimed at Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez…”
Now, I’m no expert in foreign policy and when all this talk about spreading democracy started it sounded pretty good to me. But now I’m beginning to suspect it may be like what Professor Walter Williams once said about Lyndon Johnson’s ‘The Great Society’ welfare programs. ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions.’ And I’m beginning to ask myself, if we’re going to set our sights on spreading democracy all over the world where are we going to stop?
China could use a little democracy. Are we going to give it to them? Spreading democracy sounds good, and it probably polls pretty good too. But as a practical matter it seems to be a stickey wicket in places like…Iraq.
I guess any politician who wants to get elected to anything higher then dog catcher who says he’s not for spreading democracy hasn’t got a chance. But I’m also beginning to think if we try one or two more experiments in spreading democracy…that may change.