Pride Whispers
Staring at my computer I watched a six-year-old video of Donald Trump speaking during the Iowa Republican primary – asked: Have you ever asked God for forgiveness? He answered, I don’t think so.
A friend called, liking Trump he laughed, Trump’s a New York street fighter – asking for forgiveness isn’t in his blood. But pride leads to shaky ground.
Over and over last year President Trump promised to ‘Make America Great Again.’ Was he blessed with the towering wisdom to save a nation? Is any man?
The prayer – ‘forgive me’ – is born the moment a man sees his own weakness, knows he cannot save himself. But when pride whispers, eyes locked on their own might, proud men boast, Yes, I can.

Pride Whispers

Staring at my computer I watched a six-year-old video of Donald Trump speaking during the Iowa Republican primary – asked: Have you ever asked God for forgiveness? He answered, I don’t think so.
A friend called, liking Trump he laughed, Trump’s a New York street fighter – asking for forgiveness isn’t in his blood. But pride leads to shaky ground.
Over and over last year President Trump promised to ‘Make America Great Again.’ Was he blessed with the towering wisdom to save a nation? Is any man?
The prayer – ‘forgive me’ – is born the moment a man sees his own weakness, knows he cannot save himself. But when pride whispers, eyes locked on their own might, proud men boast, Yes, I can.