Pretty Downtown versus Capital Boulevard
Figure this: On any given day you can run into traffic snarls on
But, instead of solving those real traffic problems Meeker, Stephenson, Crowder and Company – the three Amigos on the City Council – are getting ready to spend $6 million on English-style roundabouts to make
They would agree, I suspect, that downtown needs to be pretty, that gentrifying Hillsborough Street a la Piccadilly Circus is good, and that all Raleigh gains from a vibrant booming downtown.
But should making Hillsborough Street “pretty” really come before solving real traffic problems on Capital Boulevard? This is another example Meeker, Stephenson, Crowder and Company’s strange case of myopia. Pretty downtown trumps real elsewhere.
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Pretty Downtown versus Capital Boulevard

Figure this: On any given day you can run into traffic snarls on
But, instead of solving those real traffic problems Meeker, Stephenson, Crowder and Company – the three Amigos on the City Council – are getting ready to spend $6 million on English-style roundabouts to make
They would agree, I suspect, that downtown needs to be pretty, that gentrifying Hillsborough Street a la Piccadilly Circus is good, and that all Raleigh gains from a vibrant booming downtown.
But should making Hillsborough Street “pretty” really come before solving real traffic problems on Capital Boulevard? This is another example Meeker, Stephenson, Crowder and Company’s strange case of myopia. Pretty downtown trumps real elsewhere.
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