Presidential Honesty
December 11, 2009 - by
President Obama did something remarkable for a President in his speech to America about Afghanistan and in his Nobel Peace Prize speech.
He told the truth about war.
Bush misled us into Iraq . Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon misled and lied us into Vietnam . Even the sainted FDR misled Americans before WWII. (“Your boys will not be sent to fight foreign wars.”)
Like his policy in Afghanistan or not – and I don’t – Obama shot straight with Americans. He essentially said we have no good choices – and he judged this the least bad choice.
Then he had the courage to tell a bunch of Europeans what they didn’t war to hear: Wars are sometimes necessary.
We’re not used to that kind of honesty from the Oval Office.
Posted in General, National Democrats

Presidential Honesty
December 11, 2009/

President Obama did something remarkable for a President in his speech to America about Afghanistan and in his Nobel Peace Prize speech.
He told the truth about war.
Bush misled us into Iraq . Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon misled and lied us into Vietnam . Even the sainted FDR misled Americans before WWII. (“Your boys will not be sent to fight foreign wars.”)
Like his policy in Afghanistan or not – and I don’t – Obama shot straight with Americans. He essentially said we have no good choices – and he judged this the least bad choice.
Then he had the courage to tell a bunch of Europeans what they didn’t war to hear: Wars are sometimes necessary.
We’re not used to that kind of honesty from the Oval Office.
Posted in General, National Democrats