Posters of Obama
August 5, 2010 - by
Barack Obama repairs a road with ‘Stimulus Funds’ – and promptly puts up a sign praising his policy.
Obama aides send money to Orlando to widen a parkway – and the road gets renamed for Obama.
Obama gives stimulus cash to unions, ‘greenies’ and Democratic political operatives including a pollster who’s head of the biggest lobbying firm on earth.
Money’s flowing out of the White House into the nooks and crannies of Democratic politics and the elections looming and Obama-care is unpopular but there’s a simple solution: Dip into the federal treasury and pull out a wad of cash and run ads on CNN with Andy Griffith telling senior citizens how much wasteful spending Obama-care will cut. So with a trillion dollar deficit the President is cutting waste by running TV ads telling people how he’s cutting waste.
Paved by Obama. Named for Obama. Obama is great. The legions and billions of the federal government are being marshaled to elect Obama Democrats this fall and cement what sure sounds like a good old-fashioned ‘cult of personality’ to praise Obama.
No one’s seen this much government sponsored propaganda since the 1930’s and the days (back before World War II) when Germans and Italians and Russians were putting out old grainy black and white propaganda newsreels showing building sized posters of a grinning Il Duce staring down kindly at the teaming Italian workers – only now the propaganda is in living color and it’s on cable-TV and the new minister of propaganda is of all people the Sheriff of Mayberry.
Posted in General, National Democrats

Posters of Obama
August 5, 2010/

Barack Obama repairs a road with ‘Stimulus Funds’ – and promptly puts up a sign praising his policy.
Obama aides send money to Orlando to widen a parkway – and the road gets renamed for Obama.
Obama gives stimulus cash to unions, ‘greenies’ and Democratic political operatives including a pollster who’s head of the biggest lobbying firm on earth.
Money’s flowing out of the White House into the nooks and crannies of Democratic politics and the elections looming and Obama-care is unpopular but there’s a simple solution: Dip into the federal treasury and pull out a wad of cash and run ads on CNN with Andy Griffith telling senior citizens how much wasteful spending Obama-care will cut. So with a trillion dollar deficit the President is cutting waste by running TV ads telling people how he’s cutting waste.
Paved by Obama. Named for Obama. Obama is great. The legions and billions of the federal government are being marshaled to elect Obama Democrats this fall and cement what sure sounds like a good old-fashioned ‘cult of personality’ to praise Obama.
No one’s seen this much government sponsored propaganda since the 1930’s and the days (back before World War II) when Germans and Italians and Russians were putting out old grainy black and white propaganda newsreels showing building sized posters of a grinning Il Duce staring down kindly at the teaming Italian workers – only now the propaganda is in living color and it’s on cable-TV and the new minister of propaganda is of all people the Sheriff of Mayberry.
Posted in General, National Democrats