Post Election
Here are my random observations from a night and morning of watching results – a refreshing change, I might add, from sitting in an election headquarters with a candidate:
We’re out of
Maybe Dick Cheney won’t get it, but I bet George Bush does. Not since Carter lost over
Hang Osama
Bush/Rove thought Republicans would gain from Saddam’s sentence. But it just reminded Americans that we went after the wrong target. When you’re attacked by terrorists, kill the terrorists, not another bad guy down the street.
Bill Clinton looms over Hillary
It was a striking visual metaphor: Hillary giving her victory speech while Bill towered over her from behind. It will be that way from now on. And they obviously think it helps.
Yes, she’s electable
Stop saying that she – or any other Democrat – can’t be elected President. All they need is every state John Kerry (remember him?) won – plus
My bet right now: It’s a Hillary-John Edwards race. And Edwards wins.
Democrats go right
Democrats win a majority in the House – and maybe Senate – because Rahm Emanual and Chuck Shumer were smart enough to recruit candidates not like them, like Bob Casey and Heath Shuler. That’s why Democrats not only held the Northeast, but won in the South,
Republicans need to go left
The GOP lost everywhere but the South. Ideologues lost: Russell Capps and Phil Jeffreys in
Rick Santorum’s Class
Former Senator Bob Kerrey once said that “Santorum” is the Latin word for “asshole.” But Santorum’s concession speech last night was one of the most gracious and graceful I’ve ever seen.
Liddy Dole at Risk
She may not be to blame for Republican losses. But she was awful on television. Shrill and clueless at the same time.
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Post Election

Here are my random observations from a night and morning of watching results – a refreshing change, I might add, from sitting in an election headquarters with a candidate:
We’re out of
Maybe Dick Cheney won’t get it, but I bet George Bush does. Not since Carter lost over
Hang Osama
Bush/Rove thought Republicans would gain from Saddam’s sentence. But it just reminded Americans that we went after the wrong target. When you’re attacked by terrorists, kill the terrorists, not another bad guy down the street.
Bill Clinton looms over Hillary
It was a striking visual metaphor: Hillary giving her victory speech while Bill towered over her from behind. It will be that way from now on. And they obviously think it helps.
Yes, she’s electable
Stop saying that she – or any other Democrat – can’t be elected President. All they need is every state John Kerry (remember him?) won – plus
My bet right now: It’s a Hillary-John Edwards race. And Edwards wins.
Democrats go right
Democrats win a majority in the House – and maybe Senate – because Rahm Emanual and Chuck Shumer were smart enough to recruit candidates not like them, like Bob Casey and Heath Shuler. That’s why Democrats not only held the Northeast, but won in the South,
Republicans need to go left
The GOP lost everywhere but the South. Ideologues lost: Russell Capps and Phil Jeffreys in
Rick Santorum’s Class
Former Senator Bob Kerrey once said that “Santorum” is the Latin word for “asshole.” But Santorum’s concession speech last night was one of the most gracious and graceful I’ve ever seen.
Liddy Dole at Risk
She may not be to blame for Republican losses. But she was awful on television. Shrill and clueless at the same time.
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