Poll Tells the Tale
October 20, 2010 - by
I love polls. When I did campaigns, I spent hours digging through them. Numbers don’t lie, and they tell you what’s obscured in the political blather.
The latest NBC-Wall Street Journal poll lays out clearly what’s happening in this election.
The headline is that voters prefer a Republican Congress over a Democratic one by 50-43 (up from 46-43 a month ago).
But why?
One number explains it: By 59-32, voters think the country is on the wrong track, instead of the right direction.
And the so-called enthusiasm gap is obvious.
The 50-43 preference for a Republican Congress is among Likely Voters. Among all Registered Voters, it’s closer: 46-44.
In other words, the Democrats aren’t voting. And voters are pessimistic about the future.
That’s the story of this election.

Poll Tells the Tale
October 20, 2010/

I love polls. When I did campaigns, I spent hours digging through them. Numbers don’t lie, and they tell you what’s obscured in the political blather.
The latest NBC-Wall Street Journal poll lays out clearly what’s happening in this election.
The headline is that voters prefer a Republican Congress over a Democratic one by 50-43 (up from 46-43 a month ago).
But why?
One number explains it: By 59-32, voters think the country is on the wrong track, instead of the right direction.
And the so-called enthusiasm gap is obvious.
The 50-43 preference for a Republican Congress is among Likely Voters. Among all Registered Voters, it’s closer: 46-44.
In other words, the Democrats aren’t voting. And voters are pessimistic about the future.
That’s the story of this election.