Poll Spin
November 2, 2010 - by
Lo and behold, Art Pope’s Civitas Institute did a poll that found that North Carolina voters agree with – wait for it, yes, Art Pope! – on who is to blame for the recession: government, not business, by 64-22.
But curb your enthusiasm. Look deeper.
Last week, the New York Times did a national poll that asked a similar question – but gave respondents more choices.
Asked, “Who do you think is mostly to blame for the current state of the nation’s economy,” respondents said:
The Bush Administration – 30 percent
“Wall Street and financial institutions” – 22 percent
Congress – 13 percent
The Obama Administration – 8 percent
Yes, more people blamed government. Combining the Bush and Obama administrations and Congress, government’s total was 51 percent. But Bush got most of the blame, and Congress came in second. That’s quite an accomplishment for Bush, given how much people hate Congress.
And “Wall Street and financial institutions” – a much tighter target than “business” – was second on the blame list.
As always, be skeptical about sweeping claims based on ideologues’ polls.

Poll Spin
November 2, 2010/

Lo and behold, Art Pope’s Civitas Institute did a poll that found that North Carolina voters agree with – wait for it, yes, Art Pope! – on who is to blame for the recession: government, not business, by 64-22.
But curb your enthusiasm. Look deeper.
Last week, the New York Times did a national poll that asked a similar question – but gave respondents more choices.
Asked, “Who do you think is mostly to blame for the current state of the nation’s economy,” respondents said:
The Bush Administration – 30 percent
“Wall Street and financial institutions” – 22 percent
Congress – 13 percent
The Obama Administration – 8 percent
Yes, more people blamed government. Combining the Bush and Obama administrations and Congress, government’s total was 51 percent. But Bush got most of the blame, and Congress came in second. That’s quite an accomplishment for Bush, given how much people hate Congress.
And “Wall Street and financial institutions” – a much tighter target than “business” – was second on the blame list.
As always, be skeptical about sweeping claims based on ideologues’ polls.