Politics North Carolina Style
September 21, 2010 - by
The state can’t afford to pay to care for mental patients, or elderly Medicaid patients who need in-home medical care; tuition is going up at the state universities and even though she raised taxes a billion dollars Governor Perdue is telling us we’re broke – so it comes as a surprise to hear state government’s passing out pay raises to top bureaucrats.
The head of the SBI lab, Jerry Richardson, got a 5% raise (to $98,000 per year) from Attorney General Roy Cooper back in June for outstanding work. Since then the News and Observer has revealed the lab has been jiggering evidence. A Richardson’s been fired.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Lanier Cansler doesn’t have enough money to treat mentally ill patients – so they’re being treated in Emergency Rooms – but he handed out raises to the heads of Morganton Hospital and Cherry Hospital.
Local school boards are struggling to but in Raleigh the Superintendant of Public Instruction June Atkinson passed out raises to her key administrators.
Finally – to add insult to injury – a study came out saying the state had been so slipshod over handing out pay raises they’d given raises to people by mistake – to people who should never have received raises. In response, a Perdue administration lawyer ruled the newspaper couldn’t see the study because it’s none of the public’s business who got the raises.
Welcome to politics North Carolina style.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Politics North Carolina Style
September 21, 2010/

The state can’t afford to pay to care for mental patients, or elderly Medicaid patients who need in-home medical care; tuition is going up at the state universities and even though she raised taxes a billion dollars Governor Perdue is telling us we’re broke – so it comes as a surprise to hear state government’s passing out pay raises to top bureaucrats.
The head of the SBI lab, Jerry Richardson, got a 5% raise (to $98,000 per year) from Attorney General Roy Cooper back in June for outstanding work. Since then the News and Observer has revealed the lab has been jiggering evidence. A Richardson’s been fired.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Lanier Cansler doesn’t have enough money to treat mentally ill patients – so they’re being treated in Emergency Rooms – but he handed out raises to the heads of Morganton Hospital and Cherry Hospital.
Local school boards are struggling to but in Raleigh the Superintendant of Public Instruction June Atkinson passed out raises to her key administrators.
Finally – to add insult to injury – a study came out saying the state had been so slipshod over handing out pay raises they’d given raises to people by mistake – to people who should never have received raises. In response, a Perdue administration lawyer ruled the newspaper couldn’t see the study because it’s none of the public’s business who got the raises.
Welcome to politics North Carolina style.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats