Politics in Las Vegas
February 5, 2012 - by
Lord help us, Donald Trump reality TV star and champion self-promoter is back. In Las Vegas. Endorsing Mitt Romney.
The Presidential campaign is heading from tragedy to a farce – Obama’s wreaked havoc for three years and we Republicans have a campaign where Newt’s daughters by his first marriage are defending him from his second wife who’s mad at his third wife – and the symbol of American puerilism is embracing Mitt Romney in the land of the showgirls.
Posted in National Republicans

Politics in Las Vegas
February 5, 2012/

Lord help us, Donald Trump reality TV star and champion self-promoter is back. In Las Vegas. Endorsing Mitt Romney.
The Presidential campaign is heading from tragedy to a farce – Obama’s wreaked havoc for three years and we Republicans have a campaign where Newt’s daughters by his first marriage are defending him from his second wife who’s mad at his third wife – and the symbol of American puerilism is embracing Mitt Romney in the land of the showgirls.
Posted in National Republicans