Politics 101
March 22, 2013 - by
The vote is a powerful thing. In less than a year, it has taken immigrants from pariah to power in American politics.
This week, Tea Party centerfold Rand Paul softened his position on immigration. (Remember when Mitt Romney called for “self-deportation”?) Paul’s 2016 rival Marco Rubio – and other Republicans – had already beat a retreat.
Yesterday, the McCrory administration backed off pink-striping immigrants’ drivers’ licenses.
And one of the legislature’s red-hots who wants to take a big stick to immigrants talked a bit more softly. Rep. Mark Brody of Monroe said: “I know the Hispanic community was pretty upset. Everybody needs to be treated with respect.”
Especially when they vote.

Politics 101
March 22, 2013/

The vote is a powerful thing. In less than a year, it has taken immigrants from pariah to power in American politics.
This week, Tea Party centerfold Rand Paul softened his position on immigration. (Remember when Mitt Romney called for “self-deportation”?) Paul’s 2016 rival Marco Rubio – and other Republicans – had already beat a retreat.
Yesterday, the McCrory administration backed off pink-striping immigrants’ drivers’ licenses.
And one of the legislature’s red-hots who wants to take a big stick to immigrants talked a bit more softly. Rep. Mark Brody of Monroe said: “I know the Hispanic community was pretty upset. Everybody needs to be treated with respect.”
Especially when they vote.