Planning Commission Fallout
I missed it if it ran in the paper, but I understand that the City Council last night appointed Paul Anderson and Charles Walker to the Planning Commission – by eight votes and five votes respectively.
That suggests the anti-growth faction of the Council remains a minority – at least through last night.
But it’s a vocal minority.
I received an online tongue-lashing (see comments to my earlier blog) from “Perry,” who turned out to be my old friend Perry Woods.
Perry has run a number of successful campaigns, including for Mayor Meeker and Russ Stephenson. He’s a good political operative, even if he did claim I don’t know what I’m talking about. Perry also left a message on my home phone – one my wife thought was “pretty nasty.” I’m looking forward to talking with him.
When Carter and I started this blog, we said we wanted to start some debates. So far, so good.
What About Money for Schools and Roads?
The bad news is the City Council refused to even start another debate the city needs.
A proposal to – as I understand it – “discuss” using “Interlocal funds” (meal and hotel/motel taxes) for schools and roads apparently failed last night.
The proposal got four votes: Craven, Taliaferro, Isley and Kekas. Four Council members voted against talking about the idea: Meeker, Crowder, Stephenson and West.
That’s an interesting “for” coalition: two Republicans and two Democrats.
Will the “progressive Democrats” now attack Taliaferro and Kekas as DINOS (Democrats In Name Only) for pushing an idea that would help the schools?
I predict this debate is just beginning.

Planning Commission Fallout

I missed it if it ran in the paper, but I understand that the City Council last night appointed Paul Anderson and Charles Walker to the Planning Commission – by eight votes and five votes respectively.
That suggests the anti-growth faction of the Council remains a minority – at least through last night.
But it’s a vocal minority.
I received an online tongue-lashing (see comments to my earlier blog) from “Perry,” who turned out to be my old friend Perry Woods.
Perry has run a number of successful campaigns, including for Mayor Meeker and Russ Stephenson. He’s a good political operative, even if he did claim I don’t know what I’m talking about. Perry also left a message on my home phone – one my wife thought was “pretty nasty.” I’m looking forward to talking with him.
When Carter and I started this blog, we said we wanted to start some debates. So far, so good.
What About Money for Schools and Roads?
The bad news is the City Council refused to even start another debate the city needs.
A proposal to – as I understand it – “discuss” using “Interlocal funds” (meal and hotel/motel taxes) for schools and roads apparently failed last night.
The proposal got four votes: Craven, Taliaferro, Isley and Kekas. Four Council members voted against talking about the idea: Meeker, Crowder, Stephenson and West.
That’s an interesting “for” coalition: two Republicans and two Democrats.
Will the “progressive Democrats” now attack Taliaferro and Kekas as DINOS (Democrats In Name Only) for pushing an idea that would help the schools?
I predict this debate is just beginning.