Pirates of the Pamlico?
Here’s another unusual footnote from eastern North Carolina.
After ten years – and $1.2 million of taxpayers’ money – government officials still haven’t proved a shipwreck buried in the mud in Beaufort Inlet belonged to Blackbeard the pirate.
The problem, they say, is lack of money.
Now, how much would it be worth to prove that’s Blackbeard’s ship? Another million?
On the other hand why not just buy a ticket to Disney World? Or to Disney’s new movie? And see a pirate ship first-hand. It’s a lot cheaper.
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Pirates of the Pamlico?

Here’s another unusual footnote from eastern North Carolina.
After ten years – and $1.2 million of taxpayers’ money – government officials still haven’t proved a shipwreck buried in the mud in Beaufort Inlet belonged to Blackbeard the pirate.
The problem, they say, is lack of money.
Now, how much would it be worth to prove that’s Blackbeard’s ship? Another million?
On the other hand why not just buy a ticket to Disney World? Or to Disney’s new movie? And see a pirate ship first-hand. It’s a lot cheaper.
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