August 4, 2010 - by
Here’s another story about how the true-blue liberal Democrats up in Washington and the leading Obama supporters in North Carolina – like Governor Perdue – have gotten cross-wired.
By now no one in the United States has any doubt President Obama wants more and better health care. Period. His plan may backfire. But if Obama is remembered for one thing it will be Obama-care. The President is white hot passionate about health care (and maybe, wealth transfers at the same time).
But while up in Washington the President’s robbing from the rich to give health care to the poor in Raleigh Governor Perdue’s taking health care from the poor and proposing to give millionaire movie stars bigger tax breaks to make movies in North Carolina.
The other morning there was another article in the newspaper about the Governor’s handling of mental health care for the mentally ill on Medicaid. The state’s mental hospitals are bedlam. Abused patients. Patients dying of neglect. The care for patients in one of Governor Perdue’s programs got so bad a disability rights group sued Perdue and the Obama Administration joined in the lawsuit on behalf of the patients – against the Governor.
There’s a mental health treatment center for teenagers in Charlotte and according to the newspaper it’s in such a mess there’ve been dozens of cases of staff hitting patients and patients hitting each other; one 15-year-old sitting watching a movie was even stabbed through the eyelid by another teenager with a rusty nail, barely missing his eye.
This is the state of mental health care for the poor under the Perdue Administration. Does any Democrat think President Obama would put up with that? No wonder his administration joined the lawsuit against Perdue.
The Governor also cut the care impoverished senior citizens receive in their homes to help them stay out of nursing homes and brushed off her critics by saying (sounding like a Republican) 85% of the patients were cheats.
WRAL ran a story about Perdue’s Health Care Czar Lanier Cansler trying to cut nursing care to a two year old child born with Goldenhar Syndrome, a severe genetic disorder. Can anyone imagine what President Obama would do to his Health Care Czar if he tried to do that?
When it comes to health care the Obama Democrats in Washington are dead-set on giving 30 million more people care while in Raleigh Governor Perdue is dead-set on cutting care to poor people on Medicaid.
Obama’s Health Department specializes in wealth transfers; Perdue’s Department of Health and Human Services excels in giving no bid contracts to Secretary Cansler’s former clients from his lobbying days. As one disgusted Democrat said, Can anyone imagine President Obama putting Lanier Cansler in charge of providing health care to anyone?
What’s odd about all this is the Democrats who were all gung-ho on fire for Obama-care don’t seem to be up in arms about Perdue-care at all. And the Governor doesn’t seem worried about offending the true-blue Obama-crats. It’s odd. Because the Governor’s lost the Republicans with her tax increases, she lost the support of Independents due to corruption, and if she loses the support of Obama-crats what’s she got left – the teacher’s union?

August 4, 2010/

Here’s another story about how the true-blue liberal Democrats up in Washington and the leading Obama supporters in North Carolina – like Governor Perdue – have gotten cross-wired.
By now no one in the United States has any doubt President Obama wants more and better health care. Period. His plan may backfire. But if Obama is remembered for one thing it will be Obama-care. The President is white hot passionate about health care (and maybe, wealth transfers at the same time).
But while up in Washington the President’s robbing from the rich to give health care to the poor in Raleigh Governor Perdue’s taking health care from the poor and proposing to give millionaire movie stars bigger tax breaks to make movies in North Carolina.
The other morning there was another article in the newspaper about the Governor’s handling of mental health care for the mentally ill on Medicaid. The state’s mental hospitals are bedlam. Abused patients. Patients dying of neglect. The care for patients in one of Governor Perdue’s programs got so bad a disability rights group sued Perdue and the Obama Administration joined in the lawsuit on behalf of the patients – against the Governor.
There’s a mental health treatment center for teenagers in Charlotte and according to the newspaper it’s in such a mess there’ve been dozens of cases of staff hitting patients and patients hitting each other; one 15-year-old sitting watching a movie was even stabbed through the eyelid by another teenager with a rusty nail, barely missing his eye.
This is the state of mental health care for the poor under the Perdue Administration. Does any Democrat think President Obama would put up with that? No wonder his administration joined the lawsuit against Perdue.
The Governor also cut the care impoverished senior citizens receive in their homes to help them stay out of nursing homes and brushed off her critics by saying (sounding like a Republican) 85% of the patients were cheats.
WRAL ran a story about Perdue’s Health Care Czar Lanier Cansler trying to cut nursing care to a two year old child born with Goldenhar Syndrome, a severe genetic disorder. Can anyone imagine what President Obama would do to his Health Care Czar if he tried to do that?
When it comes to health care the Obama Democrats in Washington are dead-set on giving 30 million more people care while in Raleigh Governor Perdue is dead-set on cutting care to poor people on Medicaid.
Obama’s Health Department specializes in wealth transfers; Perdue’s Department of Health and Human Services excels in giving no bid contracts to Secretary Cansler’s former clients from his lobbying days. As one disgusted Democrat said, Can anyone imagine President Obama putting Lanier Cansler in charge of providing health care to anyone?
What’s odd about all this is the Democrats who were all gung-ho on fire for Obama-care don’t seem to be up in arms about Perdue-care at all. And the Governor doesn’t seem worried about offending the true-blue Obama-crats. It’s odd. Because the Governor’s lost the Republicans with her tax increases, she lost the support of Independents due to corruption, and if she loses the support of Obama-crats what’s she got left – the teacher’s union?