Pay to Pick
The political world is in a frenzy of moral dudgeon over the alleged high crimes and moral misdemeanors of Governor Rob Blagoyevich. The nerve of him! Wanting to make money off the appointment of a new Senator!
Besides, get a load of his hair.
Then I read a story about Governor David Patterson of
I am confused. Someone explain the difference to me.
Blagoyevich is charged with wanting a couple of hundred thousand dollars for himself and his wife. Patterson apparently wants about $15 million for his reelection campaign.
I understand the law. It is illegal for a public official to take money in exchange for an official action. As in the notorious pay-to-play scandals that sent several of
But apparently it is not illegal to take campaign contributions in exchange for an official action. At least so long as it’s done with a Monty Python wink-wink, nudge-nudge.
As Michael Kinsley once famously said, the real scandal in politics is not what’s illegal, it’s what is legal.
No wonder people are cynical.
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Pay to Pick

The political world is in a frenzy of moral dudgeon over the alleged high crimes and moral misdemeanors of Governor Rob Blagoyevich. The nerve of him! Wanting to make money off the appointment of a new Senator!
Besides, get a load of his hair.
Then I read a story about Governor David Patterson of
I am confused. Someone explain the difference to me.
Blagoyevich is charged with wanting a couple of hundred thousand dollars for himself and his wife. Patterson apparently wants about $15 million for his reelection campaign.
I understand the law. It is illegal for a public official to take money in exchange for an official action. As in the notorious pay-to-play scandals that sent several of
But apparently it is not illegal to take campaign contributions in exchange for an official action. At least so long as it’s done with a Monty Python wink-wink, nudge-nudge.
As Michael Kinsley once famously said, the real scandal in politics is not what’s illegal, it’s what is legal.
No wonder people are cynical.
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