July 1, 2009 - by
Could there be three more quintessential American stories than Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and Billy Mays?
For boys (now men) of a certain age, Farrah was the Marilyn Monroe of the day. Now dead of breast cancer, the scourge of women in our day.
Then there was Mays, the high-octane, motormouth salesman.
Three of America ’s greatest products – and exports: sex, song and salesmanship.
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July 1, 2009/

Could there be three more quintessential American stories than Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and Billy Mays?
For boys (now men) of a certain age, Farrah was the Marilyn Monroe of the day. Now dead of breast cancer, the scourge of women in our day.
Then there was Mays, the high-octane, motormouth salesman.
Three of America ’s greatest products – and exports: sex, song and salesmanship.
Posted in Uncategorized