Carter is a Republican. Gary is a Democrat.

They met in 1984, during the epic U.S. Senate battle between Jesse Helms and Jim Hunt. Carter worked for Helms and Gary, for Hunt.

Years later, they became friends. They even worked together on some nonpolitical clients.

They enjoy talking about politics. So they started this blog in 2005.

They’re still talking. And they invite you to join the conversation.


Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce 2024

Gary Pearce



Harry Potter Promotes Global Understanding?

By Carter Wrenn November 18, 2005

Exploris is a non-profit museum in downtown Raleigh “dedicated to promoting global understanding” (News & Observer, 11-14-05). How is it doing that? By showing “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” And who paid for Exploris’ IMAX movie theatre? Well, taxpayers. By giving the museum $11.9 in tax money to build it and an annual…

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Beavers: 2, Environmentalists: )

By Carter Wrenn November 18, 2005

You’ve got to love a beaver. According to the News and Observer (11-14-05) the pesky little critters are causing a problem for the environmentalists who care for the scenic Eno River – by building dams. For some reason I don’t pretend to understand this has provoked a ‘dam war’ between the environmentalists and the beavers.…

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Another Lottery Commissioner Resigns

By Carter Wrenn November 18, 2005

Lottery commissioners are dropping like flies. Gordon Myers of Asheville became the third commissioner to resign. Three of the original seven appointees have now bitten the dust. Myers cited conflicts of interest because he owns stock in Ingles Stores which may want to sell lottery tickets. Myers is also director of the North Carolina Economic…

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Legislative Follies

By Carter Wrenn November 18, 2005

State legislators receive a $104 per diem for expenses (in addition to their salaries). According to the News &Observer, this per diem is supposed to pay for legislators’ board, meals and other costs while they are in Raleigh.But it turns out that’s not how Republican Representative Harold Brubaker sees it. Rep. Brubaker – who missed…

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By Carter Wrenn November 17, 2005

I don’t know Ms. Betsy Kane – who was the only member of the Raleigh Planning Commission to vote against the Glen-Tree Westin Hotel at Crabtree Valley – but I give her kudos for honesty. Just before the city council voted to approve the hotel Ms. Kane set forth her views in an opt-ed in…

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Politics and Finding the Lord

By Carter Wrenn November 17, 2005

The News & Observer (11-14-05) headline blared: “Democrats: Jesus Wouldn’t Cut Aid to Poor” The story told of a curious development: it seems politics has brought three Democratic Congressmen to Jesus. In fairness to Congressmen David Price, Bob Etheridge and Brad Miller they probably found the Lord years ago and I expect that what they…

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Filling the Debate Vacuum in Raleigh

By Gary Pearce November 17, 2005

My dictionary defines “vacuous” as “empty, stupid, senseless.” By that definition, Raleigh’s city elections this year were pretty vacuous. And politics abhors a vacuum. Events in the month since the election make me think we’re about to get a real debate for the next two years – and into the next election. One debate will…

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Democrats and Mistakes

By Carter Wrenn November 17, 2005

Speaking of mistakes, former Senator, candidate for Vice President and anti-poverty poster boy John Edwards is admitting he made one when he voted for the war in Iraq. Confession is good for the soul and it’s always a pleasant surprise to see a politician admit he made a mistake. But former Senator Edwards’ contrition may…

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Irag: Deception or Mistake

By Carter Wrenn November 17, 2005

President Bush’s national secretary adviser, Stephen Hadley, and Republican members of Congress have launched an offensive declaring allegations that the President manipulated intelligence “are flat wrong.” Alright, let’s agree President Bush didn’t mislead anyone. Where does that leave us? It leaves us with one troubling question. Now, let me get this right, Mr. Hadley, we’re…

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A Scary Time

By Gary Pearce October 15, 2024

Republicans usually are better than Democrats at closing out elections, because they’re better at scaring voters.…

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The Kennedy Ideal

By Gary Pearce October 13, 2024

Ethel Kennedy’s death recalls a time when hope and idealism triumphed over hate and fear. Robert…

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Flood of Lies

By Gary Pearce October 10, 2024

First came cataclysmic floods. Then came the cascade of lies. The lies – and the lying…

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