Carter is a Republican. Gary is a Democrat.

They met in 1984, during the epic U.S. Senate battle between Jesse Helms and Jim Hunt. Carter worked for Helms and Gary, for Hunt.

Years later, they became friends. They even worked together on some nonpolitical clients.

They enjoy talking about politics. So they started this blog in 2005.

They’re still talking. And they invite you to join the conversation.


Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce 2024

Gary Pearce



It Goes Beyond Jim Black

By Carter Wrenn December 8, 2005

Newly elected Democrat State Chairman – and Howard Dean supporter – Jerry Meek has sounded off on behalf of besieged House Speaker Jim Black. Meek says: “There have been no allegations of wrongdoing against Jim Black and it’s a shame Joe Sinsheimer [the Democratic consultant who set up] put his time and energy into…

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The Ayatollahs Who Stole Christmas

By Gary Pearce December 8, 2005

Am I the only person who feels conflicted over this fight about how to celebrate Christmas – or, excuse me, the holidays? On the one hand, I’m congenitally offended by the Christian Ayatollahs like Called2Action here in Wake County. They claim to be on a mission from God to instruct the rest of us –…

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Will PR Solve Bush’s Problems?

By Gary Pearce December 6, 2005

Back when I was Governor Hunt’s press secretary in the 70s and 80s, I dreaded Monday morning Cabinet meetings. Every Cabinet secretary would report to the Governor on the wonderful things their departments were doing. There were no problems or foul-ups worth mentioning, of course. Every Monday, the consensus was the same: The people of…

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Mayor Meeker’s Folly – Part II – The Triangle Transit Authority

By Carter Wrenn November 29, 2005

Sometimes I think the folks over at the Triangle Transit Authority must be living in ‘Cloud Coo-Coo Land.’ This morning there’s a picture in the newspaper of a spiffy ‘mock-up’ they’ve built – sitting in the middle of a Raleigh warehouse – of the engine of the train they want to build to bring ‘lite-rail’…

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The Republican Culture of Corruption

By Gary Pearce November 28, 2005

Nothing has exposed the rot at the root of the Republican tree in Washington more than the case of Michael Scanlon. Scanlon is the Tom Delay protégé who is now charged with criminal conspiracy related to his ties to GOP superlobbyist Jack Abramoff. According to The New York Times: Mr. Scanlon is in legal trouble…

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Debate on Iraq

By Carter Wrenn November 22, 2005

New York Times columnist David Brooks gave President Bush a great piece of advice (News and Observer, 11-22-05) about the debate in Congress on Iraq. My problem on Iraq is I’m beginning to suspect we’ve gotten ourselves into a real mess. And the only thing that makes sense is to get out of it. But…

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The Shrinking of the President

By Gary Pearce November 22, 2005

Here’s how you can tell just how much George Bush’s political star has fallen. Keep an eye on the political cartoons. Notice how small the drawings of Bush have become. They get tinier and tinier. Now, he barely occupies an itty-bitty corner of the cartoonists’ panel. I first noticed this phenomenon during Jimmy Carter’s administration.…

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The Real Mystery of “Plamegate”

By Gary Pearce November 22, 2005

There is one thing that has mystified me about this whole matter of the White House allegedly unmasking the covert CIA operative. No, not who done it. Or why. Or which reporter got the leak first. Have you seen a picture of the agent? Her name is Valerie Plame. Now, get this picture in focus:…

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There Is an Iraq Exit Deadline

By Gary Pearce November 21, 2005

The Iraq War debate made Democrats and Republicans in Congress act more like Sunnis and Shiites last week. The battle is over whether Congress should set a deadline for the withdrawal of American troops. Republicans say this amounts to a “cut and run” strategy. But don’t worry, if you’re against the war. Thanks to all…

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A Scary Time

By Gary Pearce October 15, 2024

Republicans usually are better than Democrats at closing out elections, because they’re better at scaring voters.…

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The Kennedy Ideal

By Gary Pearce October 13, 2024

Ethel Kennedy’s death recalls a time when hope and idealism triumphed over hate and fear. Robert…

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Flood of Lies

By Gary Pearce October 10, 2024

First came cataclysmic floods. Then came the cascade of lies. The lies – and the lying…

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