Carter is a Republican. Gary is a Democrat.

They met in 1984, during the epic U.S. Senate battle between Jesse Helms and Jim Hunt. Carter worked for Helms and Gary, for Hunt.

Years later, they became friends. They even worked together on some nonpolitical clients.

They enjoy talking about politics. So they started this blog in 2005.

They’re still talking. And they invite you to join the conversation.


Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce 2024

Gary Pearce




By Carter Wrenn January 17, 2006

It seems like there’s a new scandal erupting in Washington about every day. The News and Observer reports (January 12, 2006) court documents filed last Wednesday show Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson demanded bribes “in exchange for his help in promoting a pair of business deals in Africa.” Jefferson’s former legislative director already pleaded guilty. All…

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Moderate or Insider

By Carter Wrenn January 13, 2006

The News and Observer reports Wake County Commission Chairman Tony Gurley has switched sides – he’s now a moderate (he ran for election as a conservative). That doesn’t sound too bad. People have a right to sincerely change opinions. But in this case I feel there’s another tried and true political tradition at work here.…

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Let the Booze Flow

By Gary Pearce January 12, 2006

Chris Matthews seems to have uncovered a golden nugget about lobbying laws in Washington. He says current law restricts how much a lobbyist can spend on dinner with a member of Congress or a Senator. But there is no limit on how much the same lobbyist can spend buying the honorables liquor. Just another sign…

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Nashville Hit With the Ethics Flu

By Gary Pearce January 12, 2006

Raleigh and Washington aren’t the only capitals where politicians are scrambling to get in front of the ethics reform train. Tennessee’s legislature is meeting this week in a special session. It was called after four state legislators were caught up in an FBI bribery sting operation – called Tennessee Waltz. As a long-ago politician was…

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Outrage of the Week

By Carter Wrenn January 12, 2006

Here’s the outrage of the week. Two of them. Mayor Meeker has given us a downtown Convention Center, a downtown hotel and a new up-scale downtown supermarket – all funded, subsidized or paid for by taxpayers. Now he’s giving us a ritzy, white-tablecloth fine cuisine downtown restaurant – at a cost to taxpayers of $1,000,000.…

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The Real Gas Tax Scandal

By Gary Pearce January 10, 2006

Republicans want to make an issue out of the recent state gas tax increase. They’re shocked – shocked, mind you – at a 2.8 cent tax hike. But they’re unbothered that the oil companies raised the price 15 cents. They’re missing the real problem here. I agree with an opinion piece that ran in the…

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The Photo-Op Presidency

By Carter Wrenn January 10, 2006

Here’s all you need to know about George Bush’s depth. Last week he invited to the White House an all-star crew of old Washington foreign-policy and defense gurus – all the way back to Robert McNamara and Mel Laird, for Pete’s sake. Ostensible purpose: a useful exchange of views on Iraq. The discussion with Bush…

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Shortsighted Republicans Shortchange North Carolina Drivers

By Gary Pearce January 9, 2006

Bill Graham, the NC GOP’s new poster boy (and, apparently, John Edwards wannabe) has jumped on the 2.8 cent increase in the state gas tax. He wants to ride it to statewide office. Democrats in the legislature are so nervous they created a special committee to look into “the state’s largest gas tax increase in…

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A Scary Thought for Politicians

By Gary Pearce January 6, 2006

Here is a paragraph – from The New York Times’ story about superlobbyist/supercrook Jack Abramoff – that should chill the spines of politicians throughout our great land. It comes from “a former Republican leadership aide who insisted on anonymity:” “There’s a lot of talk coming out of various quarters that the Justice Department is going…

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Starring Mark Robinson!

By Gary Pearce October 16, 2024

Mark Robinson should get an Emmy for Most Appearances in Other Campaigns’ TV Ads. For months,…

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A Scary Time

By Gary Pearce October 15, 2024

Republicans usually are better than Democrats at closing out elections, because they’re better at scaring voters.…

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The Kennedy Ideal

By Gary Pearce October 13, 2024

Ethel Kennedy’s death recalls a time when hope and idealism triumphed over hate and fear. Robert…

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