Carter is a Republican. Gary is a Democrat.

They met in 1984, during the epic U.S. Senate battle between Jesse Helms and Jim Hunt. Carter worked for Helms and Gary, for Hunt.

Years later, they became friends. They even worked together on some nonpolitical clients.

They enjoy talking about politics. So they started this blog in 2005.

They’re still talking. And they invite you to join the conversation.


Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce 2024

Gary Pearce



Oprah Rules the Book World

By Gary Pearce January 27, 2006

Oprah Winfrey already had become the most powerful bookseller in the world. Her endorsement – and an appearance on her show – guaranteed an author fame and fortune. Now she’s become even more powerful – by eviscerating (one report said “emasculating”) lying author James Frey on national TV. She also scolded publishers for publishing memoirs…

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Corruption Poll

By Carter Wrenn January 27, 2006

Well, there’s good news on corruption – sort of. The folks over at the Civitas Institute have taken a statewide poll and asked voters which party is more corrupt – Democrats or Republicans. So, who wins? Well, when it comes to corruption right here in North Carolina: 25% say Republicans are more corrupt (which puzzling…

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Time for Some Demo Judo?

By Gary Pearce January 26, 2006

Bush/Rove think they’ve turned some good political judo on the Democrats over the eavesdropping battle. (Political judo is when you turn your opponent’s strength into his weakness.) Washington Dems thought they had Bush on the run when the New York Times revealed the eavesdropping program. Now Bush/Rove have gladly taken up the fight. They’ve served…

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Corruption and Reform – Washington Style

By Carter Wrenn January 26, 2006

Voters are hearing a lot of talk from politicians these days in Washington about lobbying reform. Both parties have presented packages to ‘clean up the mess’ and though the Democrats say they’re going a little further than Republicans, basically, both parties are saying the same thing, they want to curtail gifts and travel paid for…

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Chinese Spies in Morrisville

By Carter Wrenn January 26, 2006

Here’s a strange twist. The Morrisville City Council seems about to give Chinese computer giant Lenova $1 million in tax breaks – to relocate there. Giving tax breaks – even to a Chinese conglomerate – is not strange. But what’s unusual is that the federal government told Lenovo it had to leave the Research Triangle…

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Response to ‘Still Lost in the Desert’

By Carter Wrenn January 24, 2006

Gary, I expect – whether Osama bin Laden carries out his threats or not – the 2006 elections are going to be about terrorism. We’re in a war, they’re people running around out there who chop people’s heads off with swords, take twenty-eight-year-old girls hostage, hate Americans and threaten to blow up or cities. What…

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Still Lost in the Desert

By Gary Pearce January 23, 2006

Friday, January 20, was the 25th anniversary of a dramatic example of events in the Middle East driving American politics: 25 years ago, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President and Iran released the hostages. Same day, 2006, our news is dominated by Osama bin Laden’s latest threat against the U.S. Last time we heard…

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I Hear the Train A-comin’

By Gary Pearce January 19, 2006

The News & Observer headline Thursday (January 19) said “Wake school officials fear sticker shock.” I believe Raleigh Democrats are in for voter shock if they don’t wise up. This month, Democrats on the City Council refused to even talk about using city revenues to meet school construction needs. Fortunately, two Council Democrats – Jessie…

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Impact Fees

By Carter Wrenn January 19, 2006

One of the School Board Financial Advisory Board members has come out for something called an Adequate Public Facilities ordinance (ADF) – which sounds like a good-old-fashioned impact fee. Now that’s wrong with that? First, it’s a hidden tax. The county slaps a big fee on developers – but whoever buys what the developer sells…

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Starring Mark Robinson!

By Gary Pearce October 16, 2024

Mark Robinson should get an Emmy for Most Appearances in Other Campaigns’ TV Ads. For months,…

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A Scary Time

By Gary Pearce October 15, 2024

Republicans usually are better than Democrats at closing out elections, because they’re better at scaring voters.…

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The Kennedy Ideal

By Gary Pearce October 13, 2024

Ethel Kennedy’s death recalls a time when hope and idealism triumphed over hate and fear. Robert…

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