Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
The day before the election, when defense attorneys asked a Durham judge to remove DA Mike Nifong from the Duke University lacrosse rape case, charging his “zeal to win votes trumped his duty to see justice,” Nifong responded (News and Observer, 5/2/06): “Some people try cases in the media by filing motions that contain outrageous…
Read MoreArt Pope is now Pope of the North Carolina Republican Party. By engineering the defeats of Reps. Richard Morgan and Rick Eddins, Pope made himself Supreme Pontiff, Enforcer of Orthodoxy and All-Powerful Exorcist of Heretics. I believe that bodes ill for Democrats this November. Pope showed that he has the money – and can buy…
Read MoreRobert Grady ran for the State House in 1984; he was one of only two Republicans elected that year from east of Raleigh. Four years later, Art Pope ran and was elected to the House from Raleigh. Two years after that, in 1990, Richard Morgan was elected from Moore County (Pinehurst and Southern Pines). Back…
Read MoreI don’t know whether Art Pope is going to knock off Richard Morgan in Tuesday’s primary. But I’m willing to bet that Morgan beats Pope in the State Board of Elections. For years now, Pope Republicans and Morgan Republicans have fought a civil war. It’s like the Shiites and Sunnis without the bombings. Pope has…
Read MoreI don’t know whether Art Pope is going to knock off Richard Morgan in Tuesday’s primary. But I’m willing to bet that Morgan beats Pope in the State Board of Elections. For years now, Pope Republicans and Morgan Republicans have fought a civil war. It’s like the Shiites and Sunnis without the bombings. Pope has…
Read MoreThe fall elections have been looking pretty bleak for Republicans, lately. After President Bush’s stands on the United Arab Emirates ports deal – letting a company owned by the Emirates run U.S. Ports – and immigration proved to be unpopular, even with Republicans, his standing in the polls plummeted to a low ebb. For the…
Read MoreBefore Iraq, there was Vietnam. Before America got bogged down in a war in the Middle East, we got bogged down in a war in Asia. Before America had a President trying to prove he is tougher than his father, we had a President trying to prove he was tougher than his predecessor. Before America…
Read MoreBrace yourself. I have something good to say about George W. Bush. But I’ll probably end up taking it back. Bush went to Orange County, California, Monday. He talked about immigration. And he spoke out clearly against the anti-immigrant demagogues in his own party: “I know this is an emotional debate…but one thing we cannot…
Read MoreHow much trouble does President Bush think he is in over Iraq? A lot. Witness three news items: Bush’s photo op in California eating with GIs and their families. A clear response to the generals’ criticism of Rumsfeld. James Baker heading up a high-level group of review Iraq policy. Which Condi Rice reportedly resisted. I…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
Read MoreCurmudgeonly Cajun James Carville says Democrats just need to “roll over and play dead” and wait…
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