Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Close counts in horseshoes, not politics. But it doesn’t bode well for immigrants. That’s my reading of the special election for Duke Cunningham’s congressional seat, left vacant when the Dukester admitted to some impressive bribe-taking. When the Republican candidate got in real trouble, he waved the bloody flag: keep out the immigrants. He even attacked…
Read MoreThe State House passed a ‘Reform’ bill to clean up government by limiting lobbyists’ gifts to legislators. How much good has it done? The newspapers report spotting five legislators attending the Carolina Hurricanes Stanley Cup finals. According to the News and Observer (6-10-06) Democrat Representative Jim Harrell – who voluntarily signed a list to put…
Read MoreThe School Board wants to pass a billion dollar bond and raise taxes, the City Manager wants to raise taxes, county officials say the county may have to raise taxes. So it’s puzzling the County Commissioners just voted not to award the contract to run a new landfill in Holly Springs to the lowest bidder.…
Read MoreThis was the headline in The News & Observer Monday: “Taxes, fees on the rise in Triangle.” This is why progressive Democrats need to look before they leap. The story added: “Raleigh gets a double whammy from the city and Wake County.” This is where polls can fool you. A quick-and-dirty poll could lead you…
Read MoreThe news that American troops killed terrorist leader al-Zarqawi in Iraq should be a wake-up call to those Democrats who are busy measuring new drapes for the Speaker’s Office in Washington. The lesson: Note that Bush went on national TV at 7:30 (the real prime time) to take credit. Remember that events happen fast. And…
Read MoreRaleigh’s Appearance Ayatollahs are at it again. Three companies that plan downtown office towers want to put their logos on the buildings. And, since the buildings are bigger, they want the city to allow bigger signs – 2.5 times the size allowed today. Sounds reasonable to me. After all, the city moved heaven and earth…
Read MoreMy despair deepens over the Wake County school bonds. I see no sign that county leaders understand the public-opinion mountain they have to climb to pass a $1 billion bond issue this fall. In fact, the signs are bad. Starting with the big announcement that two big names will head the campaign: Bill Atkinson, president…
Read MoreWhen an issue is popular just try to get between a politician and the limelight and you take your life in your hands. But when politicians start appointing task forces and committees to promote issues look out – it’s a sure sign the issue is unpopular. Otherwise, the politicians would be leading the charge themselves,…
Read MoreThat’s an idea from Ben Stein. You remember Ben: the boring teacher intoning “Bueller … Bueller … Bueller” in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Stein is also a funny, acerbic conservative writer who I enjoy reading and disagreeing with usually. But he has a good idea: Yes, raise the gas tax, as some environmentalists say. Maybe…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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