Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
House Majority Leader John Boehner made this pre-election prediction on George Stephanopoulos’ TV program Sunday a week ago: Boehner explained most Congressional races aren’t about federal issues, they’re about local issues. So, he says despite the war, Republicans will win. He admitted Independent voters are a problem, but added they don’t vote in off-year elections.…
Read MoreEvery morning I go out, pick up the newspaper, then sit down and read it. One day last week almost cured me of the habit. When I opened the paper, Iran was enriching more uranium to build bombs, Korea had tested a bomb and the Prime Minister of Iraq, who’s a Shiite Muslim, had attacked…
Read MoreCity Councilman Thomas Crowder, apparently, takes the Cityâs new regulations on the height of grass, outdoor cafes and hot dog stands pretty seriously. He sounds like a dedicated advocate of Urban Correctness. The problem is, sometimes, he sounds like a killjoy too. When the City fined Lew Barnes $236 for not cutting his grass to…
Read MoreSince 2004, reformers have intensified their efforts in North Carolina and nationally to stop the flow of political money. What are the results? According to the Campaign Media Analysis Group, campaign-ad spending this year will top $2 billion, $400 million more than in 2004. You can’t stop money. To comment, send us an email to…
Read MoreYou’ve got to give it to the Democrats they’ve got ‘hutzpa.’ Last summer, Governor Easley’s minions in state government arranged a cruise around Beaufort Harbor (with a steel drum band, shrimp, lobster and plenty of liquor) to see the tall ships, spending $30,000 of taxpayers’ money. But that’s not what took ‘hutzpa.’ This is: Now,…
Read MoreYou’ve got to give it to the Democrats they’ve got ‘hutzpa.’ Last summer, Governor Easley’s minions in state government arranged a cruise around Beaufort Harbor (with a steel drum band, shrimp, lobster and plenty of liquor) to see the tall ships, spending $30,000 of taxpayers’ money. But that’s not what took ‘hutzpa.’ This is: Now,…
Read MoreDick Morris reports the Zogby poll shows, since September 22, the percentage of Independents voting Republican has risen from 15% to 26% (DickMorris@vote.com). That’s the good news. But there’s bad news too. Morris reports the percentage of Republicans voting for Republicans dropped from 75% to 68% – so, overall we Republicans are no better off…
Read MoreMoveOn.org, which was created to save President Clinton from impeachment, is the liberal behemoth on the Internet. It just has targeted North Carolina Congressman Charles Taylor for defeat, opening “a storefront office in downtown Asheville” where “more than 400 volunteers have come to work the phones.” (News and Observer; 10-26-06) Let’s put that in perspective.…
Read MoreWith all the major scandals (like Kevin Geddings’ conviction), minor scandals (State ABC Board junkets to Ireland), and possible scandals, here’s a little sprout that’s not so much a scandal as an unusual fact. When a Community College needs to hire a new President it retains a professional ‘search’ firm. Several firms compete for the…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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