Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
There is a theory about that The News & Observer/WRAL pre-election poll on the Wake County school bonds lulled opponents into complacency and spurred supporters to victory. Whether or not it did, the newspaper needs to take a hard look at why the poll was so far wrong. The explanation by the pollster – Del…
Read MoreThis has nothing to do with politics. The News and Observer reports (10-25-06) two scientists have determined millions of years ago the Amazon River flowed in the opposite direction. I know it’s akin to heresy to question anything scientific but, sometimes, it’s hard not to wonder about scientists. How can they be so certain what…
Read MoreDuring the Republican primaries, former State Representative Art Pope contributed heavily to a group opposing Representative Richard Morgan. Morgan lost but, now, according to the News and Observer, he’s launching a ‘Legal Fund.’ Morgan says he’s afraid left unchecked, “Pope will destroy the integrity of the North Carolina State House.” We’ve had the Lottery scandal,…
Read MoreIt sounded like love in bloom on the cable political shows last night. Democrats and Republicans alike were talking about a new era of cooperation. Bush and Pelosi were making nice. The pundits pontificated about how the politicians of both parties had heard the voters’ yearning for partnership to replace partisanship. As Jon Stewart would…
Read MoreGeorge Bush ran a terrible midterm campaign, but he made a fast recovery the day after the election by dumping Rumsfeld. He stole the cable headlines and the front pages from Nancy Pelosi. In 1994, President Clinton stumbled and staggered for weeks while Newt Gingrich dominated the news. Bush was savvy enough to avoid that…
Read MoreThere’s a beautiful thing about elections – whether your side wins or loses. Suddenly the politicians have to shut up while the people speak. And, the next day, the world is a different place. It may be better or worse, depending on your viewpoint. You may think, as Republicans did in 1994, that all has…
Read MoreSomething strange has happened in our struggle to bring democracy to Iraq. Last week, our Marines raided a Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad’s Sadr City – and Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki, who is a Shiite, let us have it with both barrels. It appears we may have offended a few of his supporters. He went…
Read MoreMaybe I’m quoting Dick Morris too much, but Dick’s interesting and entertaining, especially, when he’s talking about Hillary Clinton. He reports (http://www.vote.com/) Hillary’s flip-flopped on gay marriage. I always assumed Senator Clinton was for it but it turns out while President Clinton was in the White House he signed “The Defense of Marriage Act.” Now,…
Read MoreGary, there’s not much I’ll argue with in your blog today except, of course, Republicans going left. (And I do tremble at the thought of John Edwards winning Iowa, even if it is at Hillary’s expense). I admire President Bush for trying to fight a war on terrorism. But, now, after a series of defeats…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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