Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
I’m thankful for Ann Coulter. Every time she opens her mouth, she hurts Republicans and conservatives with the general voting public. This weekend she slimed John Edwards with the “faggot” slur at a national conservative conference in Washington. Tellingly, no Republican has summoned the decency or courage to call her down. I’ve had a little…
Read MoreA men’s room is not a safe place to be if they’re in it with Jim Black or a chiropractor. But there’s still one unanswered question. While all this money was floating around between Black and Michael Decker and chiropractors and optometrists where were all the other Democrats? I don’t mean why weren’t they in…
Read MoreMayor Meeker just stood City government on its head. For six years, he’s been on a spending spree, giving taxpayer subsidies to all types of corporations – hotels, restaurants and supermarkets. Now, suddenly, he’s stopped. Or, at least, he’s finally found one corporation he doesn’t want to subsidize. The Mayor and his bosom-buddy-allies on the…
Read MoreRichard Moore’s reaction to his Forbes hit was fast and aggressive. Beverly Perdue’s campaign needs to wake up. This was much like the Hillary-Obama exchange over David Geffen: an early look at which campaign is on its game and which isn’t. Coverage of the Forbes article clearly hurt Moore, the State Treasurer and would-be Governor.…
Read MoreIraq Contracts There is a silver lining report in every dark cloud – even electing a Democratic Congress. Federal investigators report $10 billion – and probably a lot more – has been squandered in Iraq on contractor overcharges, unsupported expenses and payments for work never done. The bottom line, they say, is no accountability and…
Read MoreWell, Mayor Meeker cracked the whip, twisted a few arms and the City Council snapped back into line and voted for his roundabouts. It even voted to spend twice as much as he asked for. “It’s a new day,” Meeker proclaimed, “for Hillsborough Street.” But just a few blocks away it’s not a new day.…
Read MoreHollywood director James Cameron (Titanic and Terminator) has discovered proof that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and fathered a son – and you can watch it all on the Discovery Channel. Even the statistician who has proved beyond a scientific doubt that the ossuaries found in a tomb in Israel belong to Jesus, his…
Read MoreThe Democratsâ new poster boy for the pay-to-play scandals is State Treasurer Richard Moore. In a scalding exposé Forbes Magazine tells how Moore, who solely controls the stateâs $73 billion retirement fund, is bankrolling his campaign for Governor. Here’s a copy of the Forbes article. Mooreâs version of pay-to-play works like this: In effect he…
Read MoreRichard Moore is about to become the new “pay to play” poster boy in Raleigh’s campaign-finance scandal. And he was fingered by no less than Forbes magazine, the capitalist tool. Moore – who is North Carolina’s State Treasurer and a 2008 gubernatorial candidate – has raised over $700,000 from investment firms that handle the state’s…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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