Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
The Civitas Institutes latest poll was bad news for North Carolina’s two most prominent trial lawyers-politicians. Right here in his home state John Edwards finds himself in a dead head with Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton 22% John Edwards 24% Barach Obama 22% In politics, when the folks at home – who know you best –…
Read MoreABC News reports that the Veterans Administration came up with a plan two years ago to make sure that American troops injured in Iraq and Afghanistan get the medical care they need. It was called “seamless transition.” The purpose: Don’t let injured troops fall through the cracks when the military turns them over to the…
Read MoreThe newspapers have blasted Richard Moore’s shaking down state pension fund managers for campaign contributions. Moore’s response: He’s pulling the ‘old bait and switch.’ Moore, spewing statistics, claims it doesn’t matter how much he’s raised. All that matters, he says, is how the funds have performed. Which according to him is just dandy. Moore calculated…
Read MoreNo politician in Congress is going to dare to propose a draft. The Democrats would impeach President Bush if he even brought it up. But looking back the President made a big mistake by not proposing a draft years ago. He wouldn’t have gotten in this mess if he had. He’d have known right then…
Read MoreThere’s a sad sequel to Mayor Meeker’s failed obsession with Lite-Rail. The News and Observer reports the Mayor’s Triangle Transit Authority is having a tough time keeping its fleet of buses afloat. The TTA has maintenance problems. Big maintenance problems. Problems so bad the City has filed a lawsuit to make the bus makers take…
Read MoreWhen Jim Hunt was Governor no one could open a Seven-Eleven without Hunt adding a new page to his new job recruitment statistics. By the time Governor Hunt left office he’d announced so many new jobs – some promised, some real – the unemployed were in a state of shock. He also made “Smart Start”…
Read MoreWhen Jim Hunt was Governor no one could open a Seven-Eleven without Hunt adding a new page to his new job recruitment statistics. By the time Governor Hunt left office he’d announced so many new jobs – some promised, some real – the unemployed were in a state of shock. He also made “Smart Start”…
Read MoreAt first I thought it might be shock, or embarrassment, or not wanting to kick a fellow when he’s down: Democrats, led by Governor Easley, were silent as stones about Jim Black’s bribery conviction. Then I asked a friend who knows legislators, ‘Why aren’t Democrats howling from the rooftops in outrage at Jim Black rather…
Read MoreThe massed armadas of political correctness have descended on the head of a hapless social studies teacher at Enloe High. Robert Escamilla, the ACLU says, has strayed and must be pummeled. His crime: Inviting an Egyptian Christian – who was tortured in Egypt for his beliefs – to speak to his class. The greater crime:…
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