Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Last year, when he was warming up for his run for Governor, State Treasurer Richard Moore blasted pay-day lenders by saying, “A civilized society does not allow these kinds of interest charges.” A year later, the News and Observer reported that when Moore said those words he had $11 million in state pension funds invested…
Read MoreThe 2004 Presidential campaign brought politics Internet fundraising, 529s and “swift-boating.” You ain’t seen nothing yet. For a taste of what’s to come this time, go to YouTube and see the “Hillary 1984” ad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWvHbOoG3tI. It’s clever, creative and cutting. It goes right to the heart of Hillary’s weakness with younger, Blog Democrats. To them,…
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Read MoreIt’s easy to understand President Bush’s stand on the war in Iraq. He says: Let’s fight it out until we win. It’s also easy to understand the anti-war Democrats’ stand. They say: The war is wrong. Let’s get out. Now. But Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s stand is puzzling. She says: The war is wrong. But let’s…
Read MoreA blog I wrote about Mayor Meeker’s focus on downtown stirred up some heated comments. So I have another question. A reader regularly forwards me copies of an online publication from the city called the “Livable Streets Newsletter.” And it’s all about downtown. You would think the only livable streets in Raleigh are downtown. My…
Read MoreDebates between presidential candidates about issues can be pretty vicious. But they’re mild compared to campaigns where one candidate decides to attack the other’s character. Rudy Giuliani is the leading Republican candidate for President because of the character he displayed when the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, so, inevitably, as he begins his presidential…
Read MoreBack when he was a Democrat, former Senator Lauch Faircloth used to say there were two things he didn’t understand: electricity and Republicans. I still don’t understand either one. I especially don’t understand the Republican presidential contest: John McCain seems to be shrinking before our very eyes. The strong, straight-talking, independent maverick of 2004 now…
Read MoreRaleigh Mayor Charles Meeker must decide whether he wants to be mayor of all Raleigh – or just part. Tom Fetzer got elected mayor in the 90s by mobilizing North Raleigh against Inside the Beltline. With Carter Wrenn’s help, Fetzer tapped into a feeling that the city was spending too much money downtown and paying…
Read MoreIt is hard not to feel sympathy for a seventy-one year old man whose world has come crashing down around him as completely as Jim Black’s. Allies who not long ago defended him at the tops of their voices have abandoned him, the Attorney General is demanding he repay the state $30,000 in legal fees,…
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