Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Gary wrote on Tuesday that State Treasurer Richard Moore faced a moment of truth. His first campaign crisis. Moore failed.Last month, Forbes Magazine revealed that Treasurer Moore has been shaking down the State’s Pension Fund managers who he hires for campaign contributions. Last week, the News and Observer (4-1-07) reported Moore’s also shaking down the…
Read MoreI wrote earlier about the personal dominating the political in the presidential race – witness Elizabeth Edwards’ cancer. Coincidentally, I spoke to two groups recently and got a question about that – one I get asked almost everywhere. Carter and I got it at a business group. Then I heard it from a group of…
Read MoreEighteen Wake County parents, disgruntled about year-round schools, have filed affidavits criticizing the School Board. Here are examples of what they’re saying: “My son won’t be able to attend Roy Williams basketball camp.” “My two sons won’t be able to bond.” “We have to visit my mother in Pennsylvania; she has Alzheimer’s.” “Obesity is a…
Read MoreJohn McCain reminds me of an old calendar that is still hanging on the wall. McCain was a phenom in 2000. Today he’s a tired old face. As his campaign falters, he begins to look more and more like a bitter, beaten man. His first-quarter fundraising was so bad his campaign didn’t even try to…
Read MoreMayor Meeker’s Sancho Panza, Councilman Thomas Crowder, sees a new threat developing to Raleigh neighborhoods: Pawnshops. Crowder announced last week that he sees a trend. Pawnshops are moving into residential neighborhoods (News and Observer; 3-31-07). That seemed to puzzle Raleigh police detective Rich Bargfrede, who was testifying before Crowder’s committee. Barfrede – who is apparently…
Read MoreRichard Moore is facing his first campaign crisis. How he responds in the next month could decide whether he’s elected Governor next year. Carter has blogged before that the State Treasurer is at risk of replacing Jim Black as the new “pay to play” poster boy in Raleigh. Moore hasn’t done anything illegal. But sometimes…
Read MoreDubai is one of the seven princedoms of United Arab Emirates (UAE). It bars Israeli citizens from setting food in its country. It “bans all products made in Israel and even ones with parts made in Israel.” Half the 9/11 hijackers flew to the United States from Dubai. And $234,500 of the $300,000 wired to…
Read MoreAn interesting fight is shaping up over real estate transfer taxes. It has implications for a lot of municipal elections this year, including Raleigh’s. Opponents – Realtors and homebuilders – label the idea the “home tax.” Their website – http://www.itsabadidea.org/ – says: “Bills now being considered in the State Legislature would force the home sellers…
Read MoreFor an interesting story on a newspaper being covered by a newspaper, go to the Independent Weekly’s story about ongoing changes at The News & Observer. Here’s the link: http://www.indyweek.com/gyrobase/Content?oid=oid%3A48019 The N&O editors sound just like government or corporate officials sound when they’re caught in an uncomfortable situation they have a hard time explaining. If…
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