Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Here’s a nice compliment – and a striking statistic – from a reader: “According to today’s (New York) Times only 7.1 percent of all bloggers are over the age of 51. You have always been ahead of the curve!” And I blew past 51 long ago.
Read MoreEveryday the bru-ha-ha between our local Progressives and the Italian transplants on the School Board gets more entertaining – the whole thing’s turned into a microcosm of modern life with far-left Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, Italians, Southerners, far-right Republicans, NAACP Reverends, a Duke Professor and a liberal Baptist Church all going at one another tooth and…
Read MoreBack in May the State House invited Reverend Ron Baity down to Raleigh (from his Baptist Church in Winston-Salem) to be Chaplain for a week but when the minister got up and ended his first prayer with “In Jesus name” House Speaker Jack Hackney promptly fired him. Because, Hackney says, by tradition prayers in…
Read MoreThe anti-Wall Street talking Obama administration just let Goldman Sachs off the hook for bilking investors for billions with a wrist slap. Now, granted a $550 million fine sounds like real money. But consider this: It’s less than 5% of Goldman Sachs $12 billion in profits. And not one Goldman Sachs executive got…
Read MoreIt’s a bad time for once-trusted institutions. Highway Patrol: Yes, the vast majority of the line troopers are courageous and honorable. That’s why they – and the public – and mad at the people at the top. UNC-TV: Pulled off a rare two-fer by looking both unprofessional AND spineless. It’s bad when your…
Read MorePoliticians, like most people, are creatures of habit plodding along each day going through the same routines day in and day out – then just when you figure there are no surprises left in human nature (or, at least, in politicians) somewhere deep in subterranean caverns tides shift and suddenly you find yourself staring open-mouthed…
Read MoreA veteran Democratic politico asked me this week: “Are you feeling as bad about this coming election as I am?” Yep. Especially after this report on the state parties’ fundraising byJim Morrill in the Charlotte Observer/N&O: “The Republican Party, meanwhile, has raised more than $1 million since January 2009 to Democrats’ $649,000, though…
Read MoreThe Right Honorable (and Colorful) Reverend William Barber (head of the local NAACP) has laid the political birch-wood to the Italians on the School Board again; the Reverend Barber, who’s been holding demonstrations and protests lampooning the Italians, climbed up on his soap-box at his latest protest and announced the Italians are taking Raleigh back…
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