Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
About a year ago, Governor Perdue’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, Lanier Cansler, a former lobbyist, did a strange thing: He gave an exclusive $30 million no-bid contract to a company that had only been in existence for two months – Prodigy Diabetes Care. Naturally, the press, suspicious, started digging and soon found…
Read MoreAt this point, North Carolina Democrats are reduced to asking: How bad will it be? Will Republicans have only a slim margin in the state House and Senate – an invitation for coalition mischief? Or will they win upwards of 25 Senate seats and 65 House seats? Will Marc Basnight land on his…
Read MoreDuring my childhood my grandmother used to tell me ‘appearances matter. Julius Caesar, I learned later, felt the same way. One night his wife, Pompeia, found herself in a awkward encounter with a Roman gentleman bent on seducing her. By most accounts Pompeia was innocent but nonetheless her encounter with young Publius Clodius led to…
Read MoreThere’s more bad news from Afghanistan. The “backbone of President Obama’s plan to start withdrawing troops” has hit a wall. Literally. Right now, over in Afghanistan we’re spending millions to build police stations so the Afghan Army and National Police can take over from our Marines next July. But, the newspaper reports, the Police…
Read MoreWRAL released a new poll the other day. Senator Richard Burr leads Elaine Marshall by fifteen points but Marshall shouldn’t take it personally as the reason Burr leads has little to do with her. 54% of the voters are Unfavorable to President Obama – and it’s no coincidence Senator Burr is getting 53% of…
Read MoreIn North Carolina, the most in-demand Democrat on the campaign trail is my old boss Governor Jim Hunt. Nationally, the most in-demand Democrat is President Obama’s old nemesis Bill Clinton. In California, the next governor may be Jerry Brown, who was elected California’s youngest governor ever in 1974. In Iowa, the next…
Read MoreFor nine years we’ve been pouring billions into Afghanistan to prop up our hand-picked rascal-President Hamid Karzai. But it turns out our arch-enemies the Iranians have one upped us. For $2 million a year in cash – which they’ve been secretly delivering to Karzai’s office in bulging canvas sacks – they’ve bought our puppet. …
Read MoreTime’s Joe Klein puts his finger on President Obama’s problem in an engrossing essay “Encountering Anguish and Anxiety Across America:” “Even among his most passionate supporters, Obama is something of a political mystery. He doesn’t challenge the Republicans; he doesn’t fight back; he doesn’t even tout his accomplishments….The Obama mystery is compounded by the…
Read MoreThe election is slowly bumping and grinding to a close and it’s been a lot tougher ordeal for Democrats than Republicans – while Republicans have been cruising along riding the headwinds of Obama-disapproval, the same national tides have been pulling Democrats downward like a remorseless undertow. Plus, since Democrats control almost everything that moves in…
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