Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
North Carolina Democrats have survived three near-death elections: 1972, 1984 and 1994. But will 2010 be the one when the dam finally breaks and we go the way of the rest of the South? Some smart Democrats here think so. They see a decade – or more – of Republican dominance ahead. They believe…
Read MoreThe great thing about political blogging is that the game never ends. For the next two months, we get to watch the positioning for the legislative session. Governor Perdue’s first statement got it right: We need to work together in a time of economic and fiscal crisis. But she’ll have conflicting advice. Move…
Read MoreElection night, after the ten counties in her district reported their votes, Renee Ellmers led incumbent Congressman Bob Etheridge by 2,100 votes. (That number is crucial because under North Carolina law Congressman Etheridge is not entitled to an ‘automatic recount’ if he trails by more than 1% – or 1,888 votes.) Then the afternoon…
Read MoreTom Fetzer stole the stage – literally – from Pat McCrory Tuesday night. McCrory had what seemed like a prime spot: introducing Senator Burr for his victory speech. But Fetzer was front and center in the photos and video of the bigger story: Republicans taking the legislature. Fetzer is in prime position…
Read MoreThat old warhorse Carter pulled off another one. He’s had a history of guiding Republican Senate – and now congressional – candidates to unexpected victories: John East, Jesse Helms, Lauch Faircloth and, now, Renee Ellmers. He’ll be the first to tell you that it was, first and foremost, the national tide. But…
Read MoreAs Carter said on a radio interview we did a couple of weeks ago, Tip O’Neill’s axiom – “all politics is local” – is dead. Democrats vote Democratic – up and down the line. Republicans vote Republican. And Independents rarely split their tickets any more. The dramatic turnover in the North Carolina legislature…
Read MoreFace it: We got whacked. The natural reactions are denial and rationalization: “We didn’t communicate well.” Or, “The voters just don’t get it.” Or, “Evil Big Money drowned us out.” Wrong, wrong and wrong. The American voters just didn’t like the dishes Democrats served up the last two years. The signal…
Read MorePerhaps the essential truth about election days is their ambiguity. Today, of course, we Republicans are asking each other if the 2nd Coming, politically, is at hand. But even on Election Day the imponderables offer no answers. Realizing how we humans hate ambiguity the cable TV networks have fed us a steady diet of…
Read MoreLo and behold, Art Pope’s Civitas Institute did a poll that found that North Carolina voters agree with – wait for it, yes, Art Pope! – on who is to blame for the recession: government, not business, by 64-22. But curb your enthusiasm. Look deeper. Last week, the New York Times did a…
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