Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Since I tweaked Governor Perdue for the building-code mess (see below), I’ll salute her for a bold stroke at the legislative caucus today. She went in to talk about the budget. But she seized the opportunity to challenge the new Republican House and Senate to act on three issues: - Legislative session limits - More…
Read MoreYou wouldn’t want the people who put together the new building code to build your house. The Building Code Council Tuesday adopted rules to make new commercial and residential buildings more energy-efficient. But they were afraid the changes would increase the cost of homes when the home-buying market is in a depression. So they…
Read MoreThings are looking up for President Obama. First, he’s going to get a win. Congress will pass the tax cut/stimulus bill he worked out with Republicans. Even better for him, congressional Democrats – who had become a political anchor around the President’s neck – are mad about the bill. And how can…
Read MoreI normally don’t blog about my clients. Simple reason: I’m afraid readers would stop reading. But Carter forces my hand. He has posted several blogs about the assisted-living industry, also known as adult-care homes. They’re my clients: the N.C. Association of Long-Term Care Facilities and its director, Lou Wilson. Carter reflects the views…
Read MoreA reader writes: “Were you as astonished as me at the reaction to Bev’s consolidation plan?” State Controller David McCoy told WRAL he is opposed to Governor Perdue’s Cabinet-consolidation plan. Linda Hayes, Perdue’s Secretary of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, dragged her feet about how difficult it would be. The reader notes: “If John…
Read MoreOver the last month I’ve watched stories converge for three politicians I’ve known: Jim Hunt, Mike Easley and John Edwards. First I published my biography of Hunt, and we made a 10-stop book tour. Then Mike Easley was convicted of a felony. Then John Edwards reemerged after Elizabeth’s death. Toward the end of…
Read MoreGovernor Perdue’s Cabinet reorganization demonstrates the advantage a governor always has over a legislature. While Republican legislators organize themselves and talk about what they plan to do, she can act. In the context of a near-$4 billion hole, her plan may not look huge. But her changes look good; even Republicans praised them.…
Read MoreThe Southern Pines Pilot opined optimistically: “During the years in which they were out of power, GOP legislators long argued in vain for taking redistricting out of the hands of the General Assembly and turning it over to an independent, nonpartisan redistricting commission. Now, maybe that can finally happen.” Ha! As an…
Read MoreA wise Raleigh hand told me about a capital-city event this week that was unique in all his years: a show of real bipartisanship. Two veteran House members – Republican Danny McComas and Democrat Pryor Gibson – cohosted a reception in the Capitol for new legislators. Most people came, of course, to see…
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