Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Chrissy Pearson, Governor Perdue’s communications director, took me to task for my blog “Smile, Gov.” (But she did it nicely. Her email began: “Season’s greetings.”) I’m happy to oblige any elected official – or their representative – who reads my blog and wants to respond. So here is Chrissy’s full message: “I’m sorry…
Read MoreTwo stories on the N&O’s Page One Sunday struck me as related. One was the fight over a chicken processing plant in Nash County. The other was whether a state government “reset” can balance the budget. Like many things these days, the linkage hit me because of the work I’ve done on my Jim…
Read MoreOff and running hard for reelection the other day Governor Perdue charged over to the legislature to confront the newly elected Republican Majority and right off she threw the gauntlet down challenging the Republicans to limit the legislative session to 45 days and to appoint an independent commission to handle redistricting both of which Republicans…
Read MoreThis quote by Governor Perdue on WRAL captured her fundamental political problem. “I’m going to make a lot of people unhappy, and I’m sorry.” First, let’s recall what people look for in leaders. It’s not just what they say, it’s how they say it. The most successful – Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, Hunt…
Read MoreI used to think the instant runoff was confusing. Now I know it is. There’s nothing instant about it. We still don’t know for sure who won the N.C. Court of Appeals race where it was used this year. The best analysis I’ve seen is by my friend Reid Overcash of Raleigh, who worked in…
Read MoreThe Civitas Institute has published a right interesting report about how much North Carolina’s Senators and Congressmen have requested earmarks over the last year and the winner is… In the Senate when it comes to grabbing for the loot Kay Hagan whipped Richard Burr hands down, reaching into the Treasury to spend $3 to…
Read MoreOnce again, we interrupt this blog to bring you a word from our clients. I promise not to turn this into a long-running home-care versus assisted-living debate. But Lou Wilson with the N.C. Association of Long-Term Care Facilities takes issue with Carter’s blog “Grit” below. Herewith Lou: “Mentally ill people have not…
Read MoreTwenty-six years ago after the fourth Helms-Hunt debate I walked up onto the back of the stage and stood waiting for Jesse – as he talked to reporters – and suddenly the crowd shifted and I found myself standing face to face with Jim Hunt in the flesh – for the first time. To…
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