Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Maybe legislative Republicans are trying to counter’s Carter’s charge that they’re too cozy with business. They’re talking now about making it easier for gun-owners to pack heat at the workplace. That will make performance reviews more exciting.
Read MoreRepublicans remind me of Barack Obama. After the 2008 election, Obama wasn’t going to restrict himself to rescuing the economy from a depression. He was also going to reform health care, re-regulate business and Wall Street, save the planet from global warning, win and end two wars, clean up campaign finances and reform the…
Read MoreGovernor Perdue must be happy. She’s had a hard two years but she’s finally gotten a break. Two of them. Her stand to extend the ‘temporary’ sales tax increase (in order to lessen spending cuts) has turned out to be popular. Voters – 60% of them – agree with Perdue and disagree with…
Read MoreA long-time friend and supporter of Governor Perdue said something surprising the other day: She might decide not to run again. Like everybody else, I’ve assumed that Perdue – like Governors Hunt, Martin and Easley – would automatically seek reelection. Suppose she doesn’t. Suppose she looks at her situation this way: “I’ve…
Read MoreOver the last three years Wall Street has taken it on the chin – what with bank bailouts and corporate subsidies and Stimulus Bills corporate America has become about as popular as, well, politicians. In fact, a recent Gallup poll showed that big business has almost caught up with Congress – in unpopularity. That…
Read MoreLimiting jury verdicts for the Medical Society, legalizing negligence in the emergency room for the Hospital Association, cutting worker’s compensation for the Chamber of Commerce – business is having a field day like it never had before in the legislature. In the blink of an eye after the election last November lobbyists and CEO’s…
Read MoreHere’s an interesting rumor a reader passes on: “Heard that the board of the state ports authority approved 6 percent raises for senior staffers that was quashed by governor’s office.” Earth to ports. As the ad says: “Really?” With 3,000 state employees facing layoffs, did the ports brass really think this would…
Read MoreHaving gotten his bill for the Medical Society to “cap” jury awards in malpractice lawsuits rolling, Senator Bob Rucho now has his sights set on getting his friends at the Hospital Association immunity when they commit malpractice in the emergency room. Now a lot of folks have the idea you can sue a doctor…
Read MoreUp in Washington there’s a big rhubarb going on over Republicans cutting $60 billion in government spending. ‘Heaven forbid,’ the newspapers are reporting, ‘workers will have to be furloughed.’ ‘Horror of horrors,’ the editorialists add, ‘the government may shut down.’ Every agency from Social Security to Homeland Security is moaning and predicting…
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