Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
I received the angry missive below from a lobbyist – who wishes to remain nameless, for obvious reasons – in response to reports that Republican State Rep. Justin Burr used campaign funds to buy suits and jackets from Brooks Brothers in Raleigh. “Lobbyists are a timid bunch. “They never squawk when they’re treated…
Read MoreThom who’s twenty-eight and, after managing three campaigns for State legislature, has decided he’s ready to be a political consultant stopped in mid-sentence and pointed to the back of Albert’s newspaper, ‘Geez, look at that.’ The waitress poured coffee. Albert, who’s a pollster, turned over the paper and stared at a full…
Read MoreThere’s a direct line betweenRob Christensen’s Page 1 story today about why President Obama loves North Carolina and John Frank’s story yesterday about John and Ann Campbell’s role in the Wake school board race. Long, long ago, before some of you were born, North Carolina had three industries: textiles, furniture and tobacco. In the…
Read MoreNow Republicans are whining about elections being for sale. A couple of weeks ago, Democrats were whining about Art Pope “buying” North Carolina. I suggested they stop whining and start winning by finding their own deep pockets. It looks like the deep pockets found them. John Frank reports in the N&O that…
Read MoreNow Carter’s gone to meddling. So I feel compelled to depart from my preference to avoid writing about clients. His October 24 blog, “The Vanishing Cuts,” takes aim at DHHS Secretary Lanier Cansler – again. His collateral targets include people who run and live in adult-care homes (my clients). Here’s the other side…
Read MoreThe Hunt Alumni lost one of our friends last week. Cy Lynn died. Here’s the N&O obit. Cy was public affairs director at DOT in Hunt I and II. He handled paid media in Hunt’s 1980 reelection campaign. He went on to work for the community colleges and then the Chamber of Commerce in…
Read MoreThe more things change…the more they stay the same. The European Union has come up with a master-plan to cure the Greek debt crisis and avoid financial Armageddon. The European Bankers are going to eat half (instead of all) of their bad Greek loans. Then the Euro-Union is going to set up a…
Read MoreThe stock market goes up 340 points. It may go up more in October than in any month in 25 years. It even looks like the economy is growing rather than going into another recession. Great news, right? No. The L.A. Times finds the rat turd in the Dow Jones Index sugar bowl:…
Read MoreIt’s a near-perfect metaphor: We’ve got Congress in debt up to its eyeballs and the President’s cutting the cost of government subsidized student loans. It’s classic. And unstoppable. Just before the election Obama’s going to make millions of new friends: He’s going to lower their student loan debts by increasing the government debts…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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