Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Nothing explodes on Twitter like a real or perceived gaffe. Just yesterday, we had Mitt Romney’s Etch-a-Sketch, the John Locke Foundation’s controversial image of President Obama and Walter Jones’ “Uncle Chang.” “Uncle Chang” did have the ring of offensiveness. It was also baffling. So I had to see what the notoriously unpredictable maverick congressman…
Read MoreWhen Paul Coble, Bill Randall and George Holding debated at the Civitas Debate, when Paul Coble finished describing his conservative record Bill Randall shot back, In 2009 when Barack Obama, President Obama, came to Raleigh, North Carolina, Randall Williams, a Republican physician, was welcoming President Obama to promote Obama-care. Paul Coble endorsed Randall Williams for…
Read MoreFor years Paul Coble’s been your easy going, hail fellow well met County Commissioner, going along with the other local politicians when they wanted to raise the county’s debt, pass budgets with unfunded liabilities and spend Obama Stimulus Money. But, now, suddenly, Coble’s turned into an anti-establishment ball of fire. No one can…
Read MoreThis is the debate North Carolina Democrats want: Did the Republican budget cut jobs? It’s the debate we want going hot and heavy when federal funds dry up and school districts across the state lay off teachers next fall, right before the election. And it’s a debate challenge Governor Perdue should accept. Take…
Read MoreMark Binker is not necessarily a pretty face. But he’s the face of where journalism is going in North Carolina. And that looks like good news. Binker is former capital reporter for The Greensboro News & Record. He has left to work for WRAL-TV. That’s a story right there. TV political/governmental news used…
Read MoreMitt Romney has three things going for him: math, money and stupid opponents. Math has become Mitt’s main message: “I’m going to win because the delegate math is on my side.” He’s definitely a numbers guy. He’s also a money guy. He doesn’t beat his opponents so much as he drowns them in…
Read MoreSince Paul Coble doesn’t have George Holding’s money, he has to find other ways to get his message out: like meetings of the Wake County Commissioners. So far they’ve taken up same-sex marriage and the UN’s attempt to control our lives. Now it’s voter ID laws. Coble needs to take up another issue:…
Read MoreWhy did President Obama announce he’s against Amendment One? Because African-American voters strongly support it. Since African-Americans lean so strongly Democratic, an oft-overlooked fact is that they are the most church-going, religious and even evangelical voting blocs in a religious, church-going state. And polls show they strongly oppose same-sex marriages. The recent Elon…
Read MoreEvery day we move closer to the primary in May more punches and elbows are thrown by politicians. Now, in politics there are three kinds of negative attacks. There’s ‘The Blunder’ – this attack is so outrageous (and untrue) it backfires and destroys the attacker. People take one look at it and say,…
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