Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Two months ago the Republican Presidential Primary was rolling along like a locomotive fueled by Presidential debates on CNN, Fox and MSNBC; those debates flattened Rick Perry, gave birth to Herman Cain, created the Gingrich boomlet then propelled Santorum past Gingrich as the alternative to Mitt Romney. The debates gave Republican voters looking for…
Read MoreRick Santorum’s national campaign may be lagging, but he’s getting hard-hitting help in North Carolina. Bob Harris, the legendary Congressional Club researcher (“Where do you stand, Jim?”) has done two TV ads for Santorum. Harris said the ads began running in the Wilmington market this week. They’re sponsored by his super-PAC, Keep Conservatives…
Read MoreDemocrats now have their bumper-sticker message for 2012 – thanks to 25 North Carolina school superintendents. Republican legislators deny they cut any teachers. But the superintendents told a different story at a statewide hearing: “Superintendents said they had laid off teachers, teacher assistants, assistant principals and central office staff members during several years…
Read MoreThese days it seems I’m immersed in the world of TV ads and time buying but it’s that time of the year for campaigns, when a candidate with two shekels to rub together is trying to figure out whether to spend them on TV or radio or, heaven forbid, yard signs. The words ‘time…
Read MoreSeveral Democratic readers responded to yesterday’s blog, “School Choice.” One wrote: “Our message should be, ‘Reform and Invest’.” Another said: “Schools need BOTH reform & investment. Any politician who preaches reform w/out resources is just using reform as a fig leaf.” A third said Pat McCrory’s education plan “is things Perdue/Easley/Hunt already did or…
Read MoreFor all the millions of dollars and words expended, elections always come down to simple choices that can be captured in a few words. In the governor’s race, it looks like the choice will come down to Pat McCrory’s “fix the problems” versus the Democrat’s “invest in education.” That could be a disastrous framing…
Read MorePublic Policy Polling has found that people are confused about the marriage amendment: “Oh, it covers civil unions, too?” Plus, it’s so badly worded it could end up hurting widowed seniors and even victims of domestic abuse. Let’s simplify this message. Just tell people to vote NO. A no vote is always easier…
Read MoreSometimes politicians are just plain silly. This morning it appears Paul Coble woke up in a pique and right off ripped off an email lighting into George Holding. “George Holding” Coble wrote, “doesn’t smile much. But $214,000 in hard, cold special interest cash has him smiling like the Cheshire car – ear to…
Read MorePat McCroryâs much-ballyhooed education platform reads like a compilation of every cliché and buzzword of the last three decades. This tweet from the McCrory campaign especially struck me: â3rd grade is a critical year for reading. We are not doing our children favors by socially promoting them to 4th grade.â Right you are,…
Read MoreCurmudgeonly Cajun James Carville says Democrats just need to “roll over and play dead” and wait…
Read MoreTrump raised tariffs. Said tariffs are beautiful. The next day, about facing, said automakers didn’t have…
Read MoreA legend in politics, with a sneaky streak but a kind heart, Paddy sat down in…
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