Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Mitt was Mitt, Clint was crazy, and Paul Ryan did the most to damage himself of any speaker at the Republican convention. Let’s review the main players. Romney had a good line: “I want to help your family.” But he didn’t shed the label Obama’s ads have stuck on him: Rich, stiff and out…
Read MoreIn the end the Republican Convention came down to two lines: Clint Eastwood saying, “When somebody doesn’t do the job, you gotta let ‘em go.” And Mitt Romney saying, “Obama wants to save the planet – I want to help your family.” All the rest – the political rhetoric – was window dressing.…
Read MoreIt’s odd: Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio didn’t fret the liberal pundits much at all but in twelve minutes Clint Eastwood sent them into orbit. After Eastwood’s speech Andrea Mitchell at NBC looked so shocked it seemed she was about to have a stroke. Twitter and the e-world exploded with…
Read MoreMost of the politicians at the Republican Convention stood up talked about what ails America: Too much government. Too much spending. Too much debt. Except Chris Christie. Instead of what’s wrong, Christie talked about why it’s wrong. He began with a story of his Sicilian mother, who’d been raised by her own…
Read MoreThe first night of the convention the Romney campaign set out to ‘humanize’ Mitt and after living with Mitt Romney for thirty years Ann Romney surely knew his virtues but by the same measure also knew his warts – which created a conundrum for Romney’s campaign staff. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of…
Read MoreA friend asked if I’m going to the convention next week. No way. I’ve been to two national conventions – one in New York and one in San Francisco. And I’ve been to Charlotte. I’m staying home like any sensible person and watching it on TV.
Read MoreThey may be the Republican nominees, but Mitt Romney and Pat McCrory seem out of tune with the party in Tampa. That party loves the hard-edged, right-wing rhetoric of Paul Ryan and – before his bellyflop Tuesday night – Chris Christie. The conventioneers celebrate Romney, but their hearts don’t seem to be in it.…
Read MoreOne minute you’re standing on solid ground and the next the trap door springs open and you’re falling through mid-air. Last week, the New York Times reported Republican political consultants made a startling discovery: They discovered swing voters have a stubborn affinity for Barack Obama and President Obama’s economic failure is not enough to elect…
Read MorePolitical junkies like me and you pay attention to what convention speakers say. We get into the issues, the rhetoric, the charges, claims and counterclaims. But that’s not what matters. Voters watch conventions for what they say about the candidates and the party. They watch it like just another TV show, and they look…
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