Carter Wrenn
Gary Pearce
Up in Congress the Democrats wanted to raise taxes on 2% of the people — while the Republicans wanted to cut government spending instead. So they reached a compromise. The result? They voted to raise taxes on 77% of the people — and to increase spending. How did that happen? It’s hard to…
Read MoreDemocrats should hold their fire here. Especially since a McCrory vs. media fight is brewing. Don’t get in the way. The North Carolina Press Association objects to the one-camera, one-reporter pool for the new governor’s swearing-in Saturday. The Henderson Daily Dispatch editorialized: “McCrory campaigned on openness and transparency. Granted, there’ll be no…
Read MoreWe avoided the dreaded fiscal cliff, only to fall over the cliff of confusion. I was stumped when two Democrats asked: Do we like the deal – or not? Well, we’re told it will prevent a stock-market panic and double-dip recession. That’s good, right? The Tea Party and House GOP Taliban are…
Read MoreWhile Republicans in Washington take their party and the country over the fiscal cliff, North Carolina waits to see if Republicans can govern. We’ve heard the cut-taxes/cut-spending mantra before. First from Ronald Reagan. He cut taxes, but never cut spending. Then he raised taxes. George W. Bush cut taxes. And raised spending. And…
Read MoreA brawl followed by an outbreak of brawls erupted Sunday morning in the small insular world of politics;–it started on Meet the Press when Wayne LaPierre of the NRA said, ‘The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun‘ — David Gregory nodded politely, said, ‘That…
Read MoreCarter wrote (“The Real Reason”) that “Democrats are having apoplexy” over Art Pope as Budget Czar because “Pope is dead serious about cutting government spending.” Well, that’s part of the story. The rest is that Democrats wonder whether he can cut government spending without hurting education (public schools, community colleges and universities), jeopardizing public…
Read MoreThis Christmas, we have much to celebrate. To start with, the world didn’t end. Except for Washington, where the fiscal cliff and a bruising battle over guns loom. And in Raleigh, where it has ended for Democrats. Blessedly, for one day all will be peaceful – or mostly so. We celebrate according…
Read MorePat McCrory called reporters down to the Albemarle building for a press conference and said two words and near about gave liberals from Murphy to Manteo apoplexy. He said, Art Pope. And five minutes later ole Chris Fitzsimmons was howling on Twitter, The Pope Administration begins…and about an hour later the Democratic Party…
Read MoreArt Pope is both a good target for Democrats and a good choice for Governor-elect McCrory. Democrats get to skewer him as a rich, right-wing puppet master who will pull McCrory’s strings while running and ruining North Carolina. McCrory gets three things: Pope knows the budget in and out. He knows how Raleigh…
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