Carter Wrenn
Gary Pearce
Despite being heavily outnumbered by the Iraqi Army ISIS rolled right into Ramadi and after the Iraqis skedaddled the Secretary of Defense told CNN it sure looked like our allies had lost the “will to fight.” Then Baghdad announced it had stopped retreating and was counter-attacking – then Baghdad announced it had Ramadi surrounded –…
Read MoreDemocrats may have 7-0 control of the Wake County Commissioners, but they are far from unanimous on school funding. In fact, they are engaged in a classic political debate: Do you move fast when you’re in control, at the risk of losing the next election? Or do you play a long game, moving slower now…
Read MoreThe Senate Bull Mooses have locked horns with the Opossum Drop Caucus over in the State House;—for years the Bull Mooses have hollered Medicaid spending was out of control and soaring but that turned out not to be so – that the Bull Mooses were simply spinning a yarn to accommodate their friends the MCOs…
Read MoreFormer Ambassador John Bolton said the state of Iraq no longer exists and Chris Wallace shot back , One, what does that mean? Two, what are the ramifications? You could go back four thousand years and not unscramble all the knots in what used to be Mesopotamia – the Sumerians were conquered by the Assyrians…
Read MoreIt’s coming. Watch for it. Don’t be surprised. Sometime before next summer, Hillary Clinton’s coronation procession will stumble. Some Democrat will catch fire, get momentum and give her a scare. We Democrats are just made that way. We want drama. We always want a new face, a new name, something new, new, new. Most of…
Read MoreThere are patches of ground that are innately dangerous: Edges of cliffs. Rivers of ice. Railroad tracks. No man’s land. After the State House passed its budget at 1am in the morning, eight hours later up popped an ad on Facebook lambasting Chief House Budget Writer Nelson Dollar for raising spending a billion dollars. Those…
Read MoreIt’s unusual to see a dust up in front of the TV cameras on NC Spin but when Brad Crone said Medicaid spending has been stable for three years the usually soft-spoken John Hood shot back, Brad’s incorrect. Crone leaned back, told Hood he needed to look at the audit reports that showed Medicaid spending…
Read MoreSeventy years ago, America (and allies) had beaten Nazi Germany and were battering Imperial Japan – after three and half years of war. Forty years ago, America pulled out of Vietnam. After 11 years of war. Today, we’re still fighting – and not winning – a War Against Terrorism. After 13 years of war. Why…
Read MoreAs newspapers shrink coverage and bleed talent, alternative forms of media pop up. Blogs like ours (“Wise and Balanced”), websites catering to the left and right, and even, occasionally, a responsible, informative and well-done news source like EdNC. EdNC is a daily online newspaper about education. That’s a short, clear and concise mission statement. Every…
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