Outer Loop or ‘Light Rail’?
Five Wake County Mayors have “asked the North Carolina Turnpike Authority Tuesday to figure out how fast it could build the western and southern arcs of the Outer Loop by making them toll roads.” (News and Observer, 12-14-05)
Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker was not one of them.
Now it may just be Mayor Meeker is opposed to toll roads and if so, he should say so.
But Metro Magazine editor, Bernie Reeves, has also raised the question that some mass transit supporters are dragging their feet on building more roads because it may conflict with the Triangle Transit Authority’s billion dollar ‘Light Rail” project.
Could it be finishing the Outer Loop is not one of Mayor Meeker’s priorities because he prefers mass transit?

Outer Loop or ‘Light Rail’?

Five Wake County Mayors have “asked the North Carolina Turnpike Authority Tuesday to figure out how fast it could build the western and southern arcs of the Outer Loop by making them toll roads.” (News and Observer, 12-14-05)
Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker was not one of them.
Now it may just be Mayor Meeker is opposed to toll roads and if so, he should say so.
But Metro Magazine editor, Bernie Reeves, has also raised the question that some mass transit supporters are dragging their feet on building more roads because it may conflict with the Triangle Transit Authority’s billion dollar ‘Light Rail” project.
Could it be finishing the Outer Loop is not one of Mayor Meeker’s priorities because he prefers mass transit?