Our Commander-in-Chief
President Bush calls himself “the decider.” Now he has a new
wartime title, bestowed upon himself by himself.
Bush met with
congressional leaders Wednesday on the war-spending bill. Then he gave a speech criticizing Democrats
for their get-out-of-Iraq deadline. He
“The question is, ‘who ought to make that decision, the Congress or the
commanders?’ As you know, my position is
clear – I’m the commander guy.”
So be it.

Our Commander-in-Chief

President Bush calls himself “the decider.” Now he has a new
wartime title, bestowed upon himself by himself.
Bush met with
congressional leaders Wednesday on the war-spending bill. Then he gave a speech criticizing Democrats
for their get-out-of-Iraq deadline. He
“The question is, ‘who ought to make that decision, the Congress or the
commanders?’ As you know, my position is
clear – I’m the commander guy.”
So be it.