Oprah Rules the Book World
Oprah Winfrey already had become the most powerful bookseller in the world.
Her endorsement – and an appearance on her show – guaranteed an author fame and fortune.
Now she’s become even more powerful – by eviscerating (one report said “emasculating”) lying author James Frey on national TV.
She also scolded publishers for publishing memoirs made up of made-up stuff.
My bet is you’ll see publishers – and top-notch book reviewers like the N&O’s Peder Zane – operating under new rules.
Call them the Oprah Rules.

Oprah Rules the Book World

Oprah Winfrey already had become the most powerful bookseller in the world.
Her endorsement – and an appearance on her show – guaranteed an author fame and fortune.
Now she’s become even more powerful – by eviscerating (one report said “emasculating”) lying author James Frey on national TV.
She also scolded publishers for publishing memoirs made up of made-up stuff.
My bet is you’ll see publishers – and top-notch book reviewers like the N&O’s Peder Zane – operating under new rules.
Call them the Oprah Rules.