One Word

Sitting in a crowded restaurant listening to two friends – one calling Kamala Harris a ‘ninny,’ the other calling Trump a ‘blowhard’ – it struck me: We’ve got a rare election on our hands – issues hardly matter.

What matters? Character. Words like: Ninny. Blowhard. Braggart. Fool.

These days voters march in tribes: Republicans vote for Republicans. Democrats vote for Democrats. The last tribe, swing voters, don’t care much for either party – frowning they watch strutting politicians brag, lie, cut deals – and shake their heads.

Do swing voters care about inflation? Sure. But they’ve figured out dealing with tough problems takes character.

The Associated Press just ran an article about its latest poll – the headline read ‘Harris tops Trump on Honesty.’

Maybe that’s because Harris hasn’t had time to lie as often as Trump. Or maybe she’s honest. Time will tell. We’ll probably see at the debate. But for now we’ve got a rare election on our hands that boils down to one word: Character.

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Carter Wrenn




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One Word


Sitting in a crowded restaurant listening to two friends – one calling Kamala Harris a ‘ninny,’ the other calling Trump a ‘blowhard’ – it struck me: We’ve got a rare election on our hands – issues hardly matter.

What matters? Character. Words like: Ninny. Blowhard. Braggart. Fool.

These days voters march in tribes: Republicans vote for Republicans. Democrats vote for Democrats. The last tribe, swing voters, don’t care much for either party – frowning they watch strutting politicians brag, lie, cut deals – and shake their heads.

Do swing voters care about inflation? Sure. But they’ve figured out dealing with tough problems takes character.

The Associated Press just ran an article about its latest poll – the headline read ‘Harris tops Trump on Honesty.’

Maybe that’s because Harris hasn’t had time to lie as often as Trump. Or maybe she’s honest. Time will tell. We’ll probably see at the debate. But for now we’ve got a rare election on our hands that boils down to one word: Character.

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Carter Wrenn

