One Thing’s for Sure…
July 29, 2013 - by
One reason politics (and state legislatures in particular) are fascinating is they put an endless parade of foibles in a fallen world on display every day. There’s probably no place on earth better to study sin or foolishness than a state legislature.
Since way back when, political wheel-horses in Raleigh have been quietly rewarding contributors with appointments to the UNC Board of Governors – but, up until now, no wheel-horse has ever said in writing the reason he appointed someone was because they contributed money to their campaigns.
Thom Tillis’ email – that landed on the front page of the News and Obversor – raises a litany of questions: Was it legal? I guess prosecutors are going to answer that question. Did Tillis not see it was wrong? And, if he did, why did he send that email anyway?
Which foible was at work when Thom Tillis pressed send and shot that email to legislators? Blindness? Foolishness? Mendacity? Hubris?
One thing’s for sure – the old-Adam will trip a fellow up every time.

One Thing’s for Sure…
July 29, 2013/

One reason politics (and state legislatures in particular) are fascinating is they put an endless parade of foibles in a fallen world on display every day. There’s probably no place on earth better to study sin or foolishness than a state legislature.
Since way back when, political wheel-horses in Raleigh have been quietly rewarding contributors with appointments to the UNC Board of Governors – but, up until now, no wheel-horse has ever said in writing the reason he appointed someone was because they contributed money to their campaigns.
Thom Tillis’ email – that landed on the front page of the News and Obversor – raises a litany of questions: Was it legal? I guess prosecutors are going to answer that question. Did Tillis not see it was wrong? And, if he did, why did he send that email anyway?
Which foible was at work when Thom Tillis pressed send and shot that email to legislators? Blindness? Foolishness? Mendacity? Hubris?
One thing’s for sure – the old-Adam will trip a fellow up every time.