Oily Burr
July 12, 2010 - by
According to a recent N&O headline, “Burr says oil ads won’t ruffle feathers.”
Senator Burr has to say that. I doubt he believes it.
Two years ago, Elizabeth Dole’s campaign didn’t worry about independent ads attacking her. That’s why she’s former Senator Dole today.
The latest ad attacking Burr – showing an oil-soaked “Burr” being pulled out of the ocean – has the same touch as the rocking-chair ads that did in Dole. It’s funny, memorable and pointed.
Elaine Marshall will need a lot of those ads to beat Burr. And look for Burr to start spending some of his campaign stash soon – to inoculate himself and to attack Marshall .

Oily Burr
July 12, 2010/

According to a recent N&O headline, “Burr says oil ads won’t ruffle feathers.”
Senator Burr has to say that. I doubt he believes it.
Two years ago, Elizabeth Dole’s campaign didn’t worry about independent ads attacking her. That’s why she’s former Senator Dole today.
The latest ad attacking Burr – showing an oil-soaked “Burr” being pulled out of the ocean – has the same touch as the rocking-chair ads that did in Dole. It’s funny, memorable and pointed.
Elaine Marshall will need a lot of those ads to beat Burr. And look for Burr to start spending some of his campaign stash soon – to inoculate himself and to attack Marshall .